Exercise to prevent late-onset hypoglycemia in individuals with type1 diabetesA 10-s sprint performed after 30 min of moderate-intensity exercise does not affect the amount of carbohydrate required to maintain euglycemia postexercise...
Prepubertal Gynecomastia in Boys with Peutz-Jeghers SyndromePeutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is an autosomal-dominant disorder that arises as a consequence of mutations in the STK11 gene that encodes LKB1.
Safety and immunogenicity of a vero cell culture-derived whole-virus influenza a(H5N1) vaccine in a pediatric populationThis study examined the safety and immunogenicity of a vero cell culture-derived whole-virus influenza a(H5N1) vaccine in a pediatric population.
Grey matter changes associated with deficit awareness in mild cognitive impairment: A voxel-based morphometry studyWe examined the association of insight and grey matter volume using a voxel-based morphometry approach in volunteers with and without mild cognitive impairment.
Raine Eye Health Study: Ophthalmic Disease in a Birth-cohort Study of Young AdultsThe Raine Eye Health Study (REHS) was conceived to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for eye disease in young adults, and to characterize...
Finding Cooccurring Terms across Gene Ontology NamespacesThe Gene Ontology (GO) provides a resource for consistent annotation of genes and gene products that is extensively used by numerous large public repositories.
Pre-pregnancy maternal overweight and obesity increase the risk for affective disorders in offspringMaternal pre-pregnancy obesity has been linked with an increased risk for negative emotionality and inattentiveness in offspring in early childhood.
Trends in pre-existing mental health disorders among parents of infants born in Western Australia from 1990 to 2005From 1990 to 2005, there was an increase in prevalence of parents with a prior history of mental health disorders in WA.
Adolescent peer aggression and its association with mental health and substance use in an Australian cohortProspective longitudinal birth cohort data was used to examine the association between peer aggression at 14yrs and mental health and substance use at 17yrs...
The Australian Baby Bonus Maternity Payment and Birth Characteristics in Western AustraliaThe Australian baby bonus maternity payment introduced in 2004 has been reported to have successfully increased fertility rates in Australia. We aimed to...