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Stability and change in self-reported risk and resilience factors associated with mental health of siblings of individuals with and without neurodevelopmental conditions over 15 months

Siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) are a minority population at higher genetic and environmental risk of poorer neurocognitive and psychosocial outcomes compared to siblings of individuals without NDCs.


Development and validation of a risk prediction model for pulmonary tuberculosis among presumptive tuberculosis cases in Ethiopia

Early diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) is one of the key strategies to achieve the WHO End TB targets. This study aimed to develop and validate a simple, convenient risk score to diagnose pulmonary TB among presumptive TB cases. 


Improving the capacity of researchers and bereaved parents to co-design and translate stillbirth research together

Working with bereaved parents in co-designed stillbirth research, policy and practice is essential to improving care and outcomes. 


Normative Modeling of Brain Morphometry in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis

The lack of robust neuroanatomical markers of psychosis risk has been traditionally attributed to heterogeneity. A complementary hypothesis is that variation in neuroanatomical measures in individuals at psychosis risk may be nested within the range observed in healthy individuals. 


Substance use among trans and gender diverse young people in Australia: Patterns, correlates and motivations

There is a dire paucity of research into the burden, correlates and motives of substance use among trans young people in Australia.


Geographical migration and fitness dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia and meningitis worldwide. Many different serotypes co-circulate endemically in any one location. The extent and mechanisms of spread and vaccine-driven changes in fitness and antimicrobial resistance remain largely unquantified.


Paediatric post-grommets surgery review: Audiology-led clinic

Otitis media has a high prevalence in childhood, and grommet insertion is the most common surgical treatment for OM. The public health system in Australia faces considerable strains, including high demand for Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. Extending the scope of practice for audiologists to manage post-operative care for children receiving grommets has the potential to alleviate this burden.


Respiratory and chest wall mechanics in very preterm infants

Data on static compliance of the chest wall (Ccw) in preterm infants are scarce. We characterized the static compliance of the lung and Ccw to determine their relative contribution to static compliance of the respiratory system in very preterm infants at 36 wk postmenstrual age. We also aimed to investigate how these compliances were influenced by the presence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and impacted breathing variables.


Lentiviral vector gene therapy and CFTR modulators show comparable effectiveness in cystic fibrosis rat airway models

Mutation-agnostic treatments such as airway gene therapy have the potential to treat any individual with cystic fibrosis (CF), irrespective of their CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene variants. The aim of this study was to employ two CF rat models, Phe508del and CFTR knockout to assess the comparative effectiveness of CFTR modulators and lentiviral vector-mediated gene therapy. 


Psychometric properties of the Perth emotional labour scale: Preliminary support for a new measure with theoretical implications

Emotional labour is the process by which people regulate emotions congruently with occupational requirements. Research consistently links emotional labour to greater levels of burnout. However, we argue this literature is potentially confounded by measurement error.