
Mental Health and Youth ProgramListed are all The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Mental Health and Youth Program. This program sits under the Brain and Behaviour research theme.

AuStralian Collaboration to Enhance Neuro-Development

We aim to ensure that high quality outcome measures are available to evaluate treatments and services for children with disability rigorously. We aim to translate our research into resources to support families, carers and clinicians.

Simple Science Communicating our research Towards better research translation and community impact What is Simple Science? Our Simple Science series

View the infographics that we have published in 2023 including building a secure attachment with your child, back to school anxiety in little kids, playful parenting, and more.

News & Events
Back to school anxiety in little kidsNew year, new teachers, new classroom, new peers- it's no wonder that plenty of little kids (and parents) feel nervous as the first day of school approaches.
Staff Vincent Mancini – Senior Research Officer Yi-Huey Lim – Research Officer Juliet Brook – Research Assistant Karina Prentice – Research Assistant

The Indigenous Genomics Group aims to build Indigenous leadership in genomic and data sciences, precision health, and ethics to improve health equity and the wellbeing of Indigenous people, families and communities.

The Airway Epithelial Research Team is investigating the role of the epithelium in the development of airway diseases including asthma, cystic fibrosis and lung transplant rejection.
Targeting the mucosal immune system in a pregnant mouse model to prevent experimental allergic airways disease in the offspringStudies in Europe show exposure of pregnant women to high levels of microbial products stimulate immune function maturation in their offspring