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News & Events

Have your say

The Children's Diabetes Centre values the importance of community members having a say by giving feedback and guidance on issues important to them.

News & Events

Zandyn's story

Having diabetes is hard and that's why our researchers are working tirelessly to develop more effective therapies to improve the lives of those living with T1D

News & Events

CGM and exercise trial

Children with Type 1 Diabetes (aged eight to 12 years) are needed for a new trial into Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and exercise.

News & Events

Sprint study

Join us in Western Australia's first home-based study looking at the effect of sprinting during exercise in Type 1 Diabetes.

News & Events

Transitioning from paediatric to adult diabetes services

The period of transition between paediatric (child) services and adult-based services is a sensitive one for patients with diabetes.

About us

Find out what the Children's Diabetes Centre is and what research it is conducting.

Pump Comparison tool

Pump Comparison tool . This easy-to-use updated comparison tool is designed to help you pick the right device for your family.

Leadership in action

The leadership in action section of this handbook includes three modules you can access from the links below. How do you make a change? This module

Privacy settings

Privacy settings help you to control who can access your social media profiles and other information you have stored online or on your devices.