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Funding boost for cancer, antimicrobial resistance, and pain management treatmentsThe Kids Research Institute Australia researchers will share in $2.3 million awarded by the Western Australian Department of Health Innovation Seed Fund.
News & Events
Childhood cancer research is getting a $1.05 million boost thanks to Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research FoundationAustralian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation has announced it will provide $1.05 million of funding to The Kids Research Institute Australia.
We strive for a future where no child will die from brain cancer because we have developed new therapies that will cure their disease.
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Associate Professor Nick Gottardo awarded Cure Brain Cancer Foundation Innovation Grant 2017The Kids cancer researcher & clinician Dr Nick Gottardo has been announced as the recipient of an Innovation Grant from the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.
The The Kids Cancer Centre is at the cutting edge of developing new, safer ways of treating children with cancer using their own immune systems.
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National campaign shows importance of early childhood brain developmentA national campaign launched on Channel 7’s Telethon aims to build community understanding of the amazing untapped potential of a baby’s developing brain, through a remarkable animated creature.
The END RHD CRE is producing a costed, step-wise strategy to end rheumatic heart disease (RHD) as public health priority in Australia.
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Curtin honour for The Kids Research Institute Australia DirectorThe Kids Research Institute Australia Director Professor Jonathan Carapetis AM has been made an Honorary Doctor of Medicine by Curtin University in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the local, national and international field of medicine and healthcare.
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Researcher elected fellow of prestigious international autism research societyThe Kids Research Institute Australia autism researcher Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been inducted as a Fellow to the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), making him just the fourth Australian to be bestowed the honour.
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Therapy with babies boosts social developmentA child-led therapy that supports the social development of babies showing early signs of autism has found a significant reduction in social communication difficulties in babies who received the therapy, according to new research led by CliniKids at The Kids Research Institute Australia.