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Professor Helen Leonard

Principal Research Fellow

Helen Leonard

Principal Research Fellow


+61 419 956 946

Areas of research expertise: Child disability; intellectual disability; autism spectrum disorders; Down syndrome; Rett syndrome; CDKL5 disorder; MECP2 Duplication syndrome; rare diseases; pre-term 

Helen has qualifications in medicine and public health. She is a Principal Research Fellow at the Institute, Professor at The University of Western Australia and has been awarded a second NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship.

For twenty years her clinical practice primarily involved the management of children and adults with intellectual disability. Working in this role she saw the major need for epidemiological, clinical and multidisciplinary research in this area. Consequently, she established a population-based intellectual disability database in Western Australia, which, with its linkage to other WA population-based databases, is providing extremely valuable ongoing research output. She is also a member of an exciting and innovative autism registry collaboration, which was established with funding from the  NIH as a “virtual and global” Autism Centre of Excellence and which has the infrastructure to undertake pooled analyses of international data comprising over 2.5 million births and nearly 34,000 cases of autism.

In 1992 she set up the internationally unique population-based Australian Rett Syndrome Database and has maintained this register since that time. In 2002 she established the International Rett Syndrome Foundation Phenotype Database, InterRett and in 2012 the International CDKL5 Disorder Database.

Helen’s research has mainly centered around child disability but has been broad in scope covering both common and rare conditions and using rigorous epidemiological methods including cohort studies to describe prevalence, incidence, life expectancy and natural history as well as qualitative methods, where applicable, to explore impacts for those affected and their families. She also has an interest in perinatal epidemiology, initially developed because of the association between perinatal factors and the developmental outcomes of the offspring but now expanded to include topics such as preterm birth, stillbirth and interpregnancy intervals, all of which have been investigated using population-based linked data. Her program of research and output remain on an upward trajectory with 286 publications since 1998, including 188 since 2008 and 41 since early 2017. Her articles are well cited (e.g. total citations 6459 with 848 in 2016 (Scopus)) with an h-index of 42.


ORIGINS of Neurodevelopmental Risk and Resilience

This project aims to better understand the early genetic and environmental factors that the developing brain during a child’s first five years of life.

Public Health Approach to Child Abuse and Neglect: Antecedents and Outcomes

Educational Outcomes of Children in Contact with the Child Protection System: A Longitudinal Population Study

Developmental Pathways in WA Children Project (Developmental Pathways Project)

A prevalence study on parents with intellectual disability and their children

Precision pathways for young children at risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Early identification and adaptive intervention starting from the prenatal period

Using ambulatory monitoring to investigate awake breathing irregularities in Rett syndrome in Australian population-based and Italian clinic samples

Towards evidence based care for Rett syndrome: a research model to inform management of rare disorders

THINK BIG - Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The natural history of the MECP2 Duplication disorder: Australian surveillance and plans for development of an international register

Multi-site validation of a suite of clinical outcome measures for clinical trial readiness in the CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) Network

Mothers with intellectual disability and their children in Western Australia

International Rett syndrome study: InterRett

International CDKL5 Disorder Database

Implementing Telehealth support to increase physical activity in girls and women with Rett syndrome

IDEA (Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers) Database

IDEA is one of the few population-based resources in the world dedicated to intellectual disability. The IDEA database contains information on all children born in Western Australia since 1983 who have been identified with having an intellectual disability. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder, both with and without intellectual disability, are also included in the database. Deidentified information is accessed from the Department of Communities WA, the WA Department of Education, and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to create the database. IDEA can be linked to other datasets to facilitate research into the determinants, outcomes and service needs of children and adults with intellectual disability. Researchers can apply for such linked data, available in a de-identified format under approval from an ethics committee.

Hospitalisation for oral health-related conditions in children with intellectual disability in Western Australia: a population-based cohort study

Establishing a national platform for the provision of evidence based practice in Prader-Willi syndrome

Epidemiology of craniofacial anomalies and association with intellectual disabilities in Western Australia: A population based study

Environmental enrichment intervention for Rett syndrome: an individually randomised stepped wedge trial

Down syndrome studies; the transition from secondary school to adulthood: Experiences and life outcomes for youth with an intellectual disability and their families

Down Syndrome Clinical Trial- BTD-001

Does gastrostomy improve the lives of children with severe disability and their families?

Approximately 13,000 children in Australia live with moderate to severe intellectual disability.

Characterising quality of life and its determinants for children with intellectual disability and their families

The Sibling Project

The Sibling Project focuses on the wellbeing, relationships and needs of children, adolescents and emerging adults who have a sibling with a developmental disability.

Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) Network

The MINERvA Network will allow more accurate and precise determination of the contributions of familial and environmental factors to the etiology of autism.

SeqNextGen: Translating NextGen Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Developmental Anomalies and Rare Diseases

Development and implementation of a person-centric Model of Care for people living with developmental anomalies and rare diseases in Western Australia.

Published research

"What about us?"- the drawbacks of current bruxism assessment criteria in evaluating vulnerable groups

Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire: Variability of Scores and Related Factors

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder affecting predominantly females and associated with variants in the MECP2 gene. Recent success in clinical trials have resulted in an expanded use of the Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire (RSBQ) for clinical and research purposes.

Hospitalizations Following Complex Hip Surgery in Children with Intellectual Disability: A Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis

To evaluate the associations between complex hip surgery and subsequent hospitalizations in children with intellectual disability, including a subset of children with cerebral palsy.

International workshop: what is needed to ensure outcome measures for Rett syndrome are fit-for-purpose for clinical trials? June 7, 2023, Nashville, USA

The clinical, research and advocacy communities for Rett syndrome are striving to achieve clinical trial readiness, including having fit-for-purpose clinical outcome assessments. This study aimed to (1) describe psychometric properties of clinical outcome assessment for Rett syndrome and (2) identify what is needed to ensure that fit-for-purpose clinical outcome assessments are available for clinical trials.

Measuring the Burden of Epilepsy Hospitalizations in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

Information on the hospital service use among individuals with CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder, an ultrarare developmental epileptic encephalopathy, is limited, evidence of which could assist with service planning. Therefore, using baseline and longitudinal data on 379 genetically verified individuals in the International CDKL5 Disorder Database, we aimed to investigate rates of seizure-related and other hospitalizations and associated length of stay in this cohort.

Associations between genotype, phenotype and behaviours measured by the Rett syndrome behaviour questionnaire in Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder with developmental impairments, comorbidities, and abnormal behaviours such as hand stereotypies and emotional features. The Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire (RSBQ) was developed to describe the behavioural and emotional features of RTT.

Deletions in the CDKL5 5 untranslated region lead to CDKL5 deficiency disorder

Pathogenic variants in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene are associated with CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), a severe X-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. 

Psychometric evaluation of clinician- and caregiver-reported clinical severity assessments for individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder

The CDKL5 Clinical Severity Assessment is a comprehensive, content-validated measurement tool capturing the diverse challenges of cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency disorder, a genetically caused developmental epileptic encephalopathy. The CCSA is divided into clinician-reported and caregiver-reported assessments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the factor structure of these measures through confirmatory factor analysis and evaluate their validity and reliability.

Burden of illness in Rett syndrome: initial evaluation of a disorder-specific caregiver survey

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder associated with multiple neurologic impairments. Previous studies have shown challenges to the quality of life of individuals with RTT and their caregivers. However, instruments applied to quantify disease burden have not adequately captured the impact of these impairments on affected individuals and their families. Consequently, an international collaboration of stakeholders aimed at evaluating Burden of Illness in RTT was organized.

Parent-reported outcome measures evaluating communication in individuals with rare neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review

Communication impairments are a leading concern for parent caregivers of individuals with rare neurodevelopmental disorders. Clinical trials of disease modifying therapies require valid and responsive outcome measures that are relevant to individuals with RNDDs. Identifying and evaluating current psychometric properties for communication measures is a critical step towards the selection and use of appropriate instruments. 

Caregiver Perspective of Benefits and Side Effects of Anti-Seizure Medications in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder from an International Database

CDKL5 deficiency disorder presents as a challenging condition with early-onset refractory seizures, severe developmental delays, and a range of other neurological symptoms. Our study aimed to explore the benefits and side effects of anti-seizure medications in managing seizures among individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder, drawing on data from the International CDKL5 Disorder Database.  

qPCR assay optimisation for a clinical study comparing oral health risk in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to validate qPCR assays for specific microbiota, for use on dental plaque samples stored on Whatman FTA cards to compare relative oral health risk in Rett syndrome.

Intellectual disability and autism prevalence in Western Australia: impact of the NDIS

Estimates of the prevalence of intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder may vary depending on the methodology, geographical location, and sources of ascertainment. The National Disability Insurance Scheme in Australia was introduced progressively from 2016 to provide individualized funding for eligible people with a significant and permanent disability.

Communication of individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder as observed by caregivers: A descriptive qualitative study

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) is a genetically caused developmental epileptic encephalopathy that causes severe communication impairments. Communication of individuals with CDD is not well understood in the literature and currently available measures are not well validated in this population. Accurate and sensitive measurement of the communication of individuals with CDD is important for understanding this condition, clinical practice, and upcoming interventional trials. 

Adapting a measure of gross motor skills for individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder: A psychometric study

Validated measures capable of demonstrating meaningful interventional change in the CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) are lacking. The study objective was to modify the Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale (RSGMS) and evaluate its psychometric properties for individuals with CDD.

Sertraline for anxiety in adults with a diagnosis of autism (STRATA): study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised controlled trial

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed to manage anxiety in adults with an autism diagnosis. However, their effectiveness and adverse effect profile in the autistic population are not well known. This trial aims to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the SSRI sertraline in reducing symptoms of anxiety and improving quality of life in adults with a diagnosis of autism compared with placebo and to quantify any adverse effects. 

Growth patterns in individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder

Aim: To compare growth in individuals with cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) deficiency disorder with population norms and to investigate the effect of gastrostomy on growth. 

The development, content and response process validation of a caregiver-reported severity measure for CDKL5 deficiency disorder

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a severe X-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Existing developmental outcome measures have floor effects and cannot capture incremental changes in symptoms. We modified the caregiver portion of a CDD clinical severity assessment (CCSA) and assessed content and response-process validity. 

Down syndrome or Rett syndrome in the family: Parental reflections on sibling experience

Siblings of children with intellectual disability have unique family experiences, varying by type of disability.

How Families Manage the Complex Medical Needs of Their Children with MECP2 Duplication Syndrome

MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) is a rare, X-linked, neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from the duplication of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. The clinical features of MDS include severe intellectual disability, global developmental delay, seizures, recurrent respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal problems. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how the parents of children with MDS manage their child's seizures, recurrent respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal symptoms, and the impact on them as parents.

Genotype and sleep independently predict mental health in Rett syndrome: An observational study

Rett syndrome is a genetically caused neurodevelopmental disorder associated with severe impairments and complex comorbidities. This study examined predictors of anxiety and depression in Rett syndrome, including genotype.

Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire in Children and Adults With Rett Syndrome: Psychometric Characterization and Revised Factor Structure

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder associated with multiple neurobehavioral abnormalities. The Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire (RSBQ) was developed for pediatric RTT observational studies. Because its application has expanded to adult and interventional studies, we evaluated the RSBQ's psychometric properties in six pediatric (n = 323) and five adult (n = 309) datasets.

Validating the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales–Developmental Profile Infant–Toddler Checklist (CSBS–DP ITC) Beyond Infancy in the CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) results in early-onset epilepsy and lifelong cognitive and motor impairments. With no validated measure for communication in CDD, this study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales-Developmental Profile Infant Toddler Checklist.

Hospitalizations from Birth to 28 Years in a Population Cohort of Individuals Born with Five Rare Craniofacial Anomalies in Western Australia

To describe trends, age-specific patterns, and factors influencing hospitalizations for 5 rare craniofacial anomalies.

Intellectual disabilities and autism among children with congenital heart defects, Western Australia, 1983–2010

Children with congenital heart defects (CHDs) are at higher risk of developing an intellectual disability. However, severity of intellectual disabilities among this group of children are largely unknown. Our objective was to determine the risk of intellectual disability (ID), ID severity, and autism among children with CHDs.

Patterns, trends, and factors influencing hospitalizations for craniosynostosis in Western Australia. A population-based study

Understanding hospital service use among children with a diagnosis of craniosynostosis is important to improve services and outcomes. This study aimed to describe population-level trends, patterns, and factors influencing hospitalizations for craniosynostosis in Western Australia.

Modelling quality of life in children with intellectual disability using regression trees

To identify factors associated with quality of life (QoL) in children with intellectual disability. We aimed to identify patterns of association not observable in previous hypothesis-driven regression modelling using the same data set from a cross-sectional observational study.

Australian children living with rare diseases: health service use and barriers to accessing care

Children with rare diseases experience challenges at home and school and frequently require multi-disciplinary healthcare. We aimed to determine health service utilization by Australian children with rare diseases and barriers to accessing healthcare.

Psychometric properties of QI-Disability in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder: Establishing readiness for clinical trials

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a rare genetic disorder with symptoms of epilepsy, developmental impairments, and other comorbidities. Currently, there are no outcome measures for CDD with comprehensive evidence of validation. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) in CDD. Quality of Life Inventory-Disability was administered to 152 parent caregivers registered with the International CDKL5 Disorder Database (ICDD).

Can telehealth increase physical activity in individuals with Rett syndrome? A multicentre randomized controlled trial

To evaluate the effects of a physical activity programme on sedentary behaviour and physical activity in ambulant individuals with Rett syndrome.

Charting developmental trajectories from 12 to 36 months and associated early risk and protective factors

To investigate developmental trajectories in early childhood and predictors of class assignment.

A systematic review of the biological, social, and environmental determinants of intellectual disability in children and adolescents

This systematic review aimed to identify the most important social, environmental, biological, and/or genetic risk factors for intellectual disability.

Development of an International Database for a Rare Genetic Disorder: The MECP2 Duplication Database (MDBase)

The natural history of MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS), a rare X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder with an estimated birth prevalence of 1/150,000 live births, is poorly understood due to a lack of clinical data collected for research. Such information is critical to the understanding of disease progression, therapeutic endpoints and outcome measures for clinical trials, as well as the development of therapies and orphan products.

Factors influencing the attainment of major motor milestones in CDKL5 deficiency disorder

This study investigated the influence of factors at birth and in infancy on the likelihood of achieving major motor milestones in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD). Data on 350 individuals with a pathogenic CDKL5 variant was sourced from the International CDKL5 Disorder Database.

Quality of life beyond diagnosis in intellectual disability – Latent profiling

To compare quality of life (QOL) across diagnoses associated with intellectual disability, construct QOL profiles and evaluate membership by diagnostic group, function and comorbidities.

Dental procedures in children with or without intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder in a hospital setting

This population-based cohort study investigated dental procedures in the hospital setting in Western Australian children with or without intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) aged up to 18 years.

Initial Validation and Reliability of the CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder Hand Function Scale (CDD-Hand)

Pathogenic variants in the CDKL5 gene result in CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), which is characterized by early-onset epilepsy, severe developmental delay, and often, cortical visual impairment. Validated clinical outcome measures are needed for future clinical trials to be successful. This study aimed to adapt the Rett Syndrome Hand Function Scale for CDKL5 deficiency disorder and evaluate its feasibility, acceptability, content validity, and reliability.

Medical Comorbidities in MECP2 Duplication Syndrome: Results from the International MECP2 Duplication Database

Since the discovery of MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) in 1999, efforts to characterise this disorder have been limited by a lack of large datasets, with small case series often favouring the reporting of certain conditions over others. This study is the largest to date, featuring 134 males and 20 females, ascertained from the international MECP2 Duplication Database (MDBase).

CDKL5 deficiency disorder: clinical features, diagnosis, and management

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) was first identified as a cause of human disease in 2004. Although initially considered a variant of Rett syndrome, CDD is now recognised as an independent disorder and classified as a developmental epileptic encephalopathy.

Negative impact of insomnia and daytime sleepiness on quality of life in individuals with the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency disorder

Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene pathogenic variants result in CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD). Early onset intractable epilepsy and severe developmental delays are prominent symptoms of CDD. Comorbid sleep disturbances are a major concerning symptom for families.

Association between craniofacial anomalies, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder: Western Australian population-based study

Accurate knowledge of the relationship between craniofacial anomalies (CFA), intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is essential to improve services and outcomes. The aim is to describe the association between CFA, ID and ASD using linked population data.

Daytime sleepiness and emotional and behavioral disturbances in Prader-Willi syndrome

Individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) often have excessive daytime sleepiness and emotional/behavioral disturbances. The objective of this study was to examine whether daytime sleepiness was associated with these emotional/behavioral problems, independent of nighttime sleep-disordered breathing, or the duration of sleep.

A brief history of MECP2 duplication syndrome: 20-years of clinical understanding

MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) is a rare, X-linked, neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a duplication of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene-a gene in which loss-of-function mutations lead to Rett syndrome (RTT). MDS has an estimated live birth prevalence in males of 1/150,000.

Modifiable child and caregiver factors that influence community participation among children with Down syndrome

To investigate modifiable child and caregiver factors influencing community participation among children with Down syndrome.

Enablers and barriers in dental attendance in Rett syndrome: an international observational study

Intellectual and developmental disabilities are heterogeneous in aetiology and presentation, and one cannot make assumptions about the oral health barriers of those with Rett syndrome (RTT) based on findings from generic studies. This study investigated caregivers' perceptions regarding access to dental care for those with RTT, and associations of dental treatments received by those with RTT with their caregivers' perceived value of oral health and perception of their own as well as their daughter's dental anxiety.

Oral parafunction and bruxism in Rett syndrome and associated factors: An observational study

To explore patterns of parafunction, and bruxism, and its relationships with genotype and snoring in individuals with Rett syndrome.

The Lived Experience of Parents’ Receiving the Diagnosis of CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder for Their Child

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), a severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, is being diagnosed earlier with improved access to genetic testing, but this may also have unanticipated impacts on parents’ experience receiving the diagnosis. This study explores the lived experience of parents receiving a diagnosis of CDD for their child using mixed methods.

Improving clinical trial readiness to accelerate development of new therapeutics for Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome is associated with severe functional impairments and many comorbidities, each in urgent need of treatments. Mutations in the MECP2 gene were identified as causing Rett syndrome in 1999. Over the past 20 years there has been an abundance of preclinical research with some studies leading to human clinical trials.

Epidemiology of Hospital Admissions for Craniosynostosis in Australia: A Population-Based Study

To describe trends, age, and sex-specific patterns of population hospital admissions with a diagnosis of craniosynostosis (CS) in Australia. Population data for hospital separations (in-patient) from public and private hospitals (July 1996-June 2018) were obtained from the publicly available Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National Hospital Morbidity Database.

Child protection involvement of children of mothers with intellectual disability

Children born to parents with intellectual disability (ID) have been shown as disproportionally represented in child protection services however with limited population-based research.

Child protection involvement of children of mothers with intellectual disability

Children born to parents with intellectual disability (ID) have been shown as disproportionally represented in child protection services however with limited population-based research.

Influences on the trajectory and subsequent outcomes in CDKL5 deficiency disorder

The study investigated the effect of seizure and medication burden at initial contact with the International CDKL5 Disorder Database on subsequent development and clinical severity and compared quality of life among those whose development progressed, remained stable, or regressed between baseline and follow-up.

Parent and therapist perspectives on "uptime" activities and participation in Rett syndrome

People with a disability may spend more time sitting and lying (“downtime”) and less time standing and walking (“uptime”). Caregivers and therapists supporting individuals with Rett syndrome were surveyed, aiming to gather insights on how to support participation in “uptime” activities.

Epidemiology of Rare Craniofacial Anomalies: Retrospective Western Australian Population Data Linkage Study

We aimed to describe birth prevalence of rare craniofacial anomalies and associations with antenatal and perinatal factors. All live and stillbirths in Western Australia between 1980 and 2010 were identified from the Western Australian Birth Registrations and the Midwives Notification System (also provides information on antenatal and perinatal factors).

Associations Between Hyperphagia, Symptoms of Sleep Breathing Disorder, Behaviour Difficulties and Caregiver Well-Being in Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Preliminary Study

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by neurodevelopmental delays, hyperphagia, difficulties with social communication and challenging behaviours. Individuals require intensive supervision from caregivers which may negatively affect caregiver quality of life. This study used data collected in the Australasian PWS Registry to evaluate associations between child behaviours and caregiver mental well-being.

Determinants of quality of life in Rett syndrome: New findings on associations with genotype

Rett syndrome is a genetically caused neurodevelopmental disorder associated with functional deficits and comorbidities. This study investigated relationships between genotype, functional abilities and comorbidities and quality of life in Rett syndrome.

Optimal interpregnancy interval in autism spectrum disorder: A multi-national study of a modifiable risk factor

It is biologically plausible that risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is elevated by both short and long interpregnancy intervals (IPI). We conducted a retrospective cohort study of singleton, non-nulliparous live births.

Description of Total Population Hospital Admissions for Treacher Collins Syndrome in Australia

To describe patterns and demographic characteristics of total-population hospital admissions with a diagnosis of Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) in Australia.

Content Validation of Clinician-Reported Items for a Severity Measure for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) results in early-onset seizures and severe developmental impairments. A CDD clinical severity assessment (CCSA) was previously developed with clinician and parent-report items to capture information on a range of domains.

Longitudinal Evaluation of the Stability of Hand Function in Rett Syndrome

We investigated the longitudinal stability of hand function in Rett syndrome and to analyze further the relationships between stability of hand function and genotype, age, and walking ability. Study design: Longitudinal video data of functional abilities of individuals with genetically confirmed Rett syndrome were collected by families of individuals registered with the Australian Rett Syndrome Database.

Factors associated with dental hospitalisations in children with intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder: a Western Australian population-based retrospective cohort study

This study investigated dental hospitalisations in Western Australian (WA) children with intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) aged up to 18 years.

The perceived effects of cannabis products in the management of seizures in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a severe treatment-resistant form of early-onset epilepsy. Current treatment options are often ineffective and associated with adverse effects, forcing families to seek alternative therapies for their children including products derived from cannabis. Reportsof miraculous cures and a public preferencefor 'natural' therapies have resulted in considerable public interest, and so this study aimed to characterize the use of cannabis in these individuals, as well as compare caregiver perceptions of efficacy and safety to objective evidence of seizure control and number of antiepileptic drugs used.

Determinants of sleep problems in children with intellectual disability

Children with intellectual disabilities are more likely to experience sleep disorders of insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep breathing disorders than typically developing children. The present study examined risk factors for these sleep disorders in 447 children (aged 5-18 years), diagnosed with an intellectual disability and comorbid autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or Rett syndrome. Primary caregivers reported on their child's sleep using the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC), as well as medical comorbidities and functional abilities.

The effect of functioning on Quality of Life Inventory-Disability measured quality of life is not mediated or moderated by parental psychological distress

The measurement of quality of life (QOL) in children with intellectual disability often relies upon proxy report via caregivers. The current study investigated whether caregiver psychological distress mediates or moderates the effects of impairment on their ratings of QOL in children with intellectual disability.

Comorbidities and quality of life in children with intellectual disability

Many children with intellectual disability live with medical comorbidities. This study examined the impacts of comorbidities on quality of life (QOL) of children with intellectual disabilities and whether impacts varied with caregiver perceptions that medical needs had been met.

Oral health care and service utilisation in individuals with Rett syndrome: an international cross-sectional study

There is a dearth of literature available on the comparative oral health status of those with Rett syndrome (RTT) despite diurnal bruxism being a supportive diagnostic criterion for the disorder. This study was designed to investigate the dental experiences of individuals with RTT in terms of perceived at-home and professional dental care.

Functioning, participation, and quality of life in children with intellectual disability: an observational study

To investigate associations between functioning, community participation, and quality of life (QoL) and identify whether participation mediates the effects of functioning on QoL.

Exploring genotype-phenotype relationships in the CDKL5 deficiency disorder using an international dataset

Characterized by early-onset seizures, global developmental delay and severe motor deficits, CDKL5 deficiency disorder is caused by pathogenic variants in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 gene. Previous efforts to investigate genotype-phenotype relationships have been limited due to small numbers of recurrent mutations and small cohort sizes. Using data from the International CDKL5 Disorder Database we examined genotype-phenotype relationships for 13 recurrent CDKL5 variants and the previously analyzed historic variant groupings. We have applied the CDKL5 Developmental Score (CDS) and an adapted version of the CDKL5 Clinical Severity Assessment (CCSA), to grade the severity of phenotype and developmental outcomes for 285 individuals with CDKL5 variants.

Exploring quality of life in individuals with a severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene. It is now considered to be a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy because of the early onset of seizures in association with severe global delay. Other features include cortical visual impairment, sleep and gastro-intestinal problems. Progress in clinical understanding, especially regarding the spectrum of functional ability, seizure patterns, and other comorbidities was initially slow but accelerated in 2012 with the establishment of the International CDKL5 Database (ICDD). Our aim was to use this data source to investigate quality of life (QOL) and associated factors in this disorder.

Implementing telehealth support to increase physical activity in girls and women with Rett syndrome-ActivRett: protocol for a waitlist randomised controlled trial

Individuals with Rett syndrome (RTT) experience impaired gross motor skills, limiting their capacity to engage in physical activities and participation in activities. There is limited evidence of the effectiveness of supported physical activity interventions. This study aims to evaluate the effects of a telehealth-delivered physical activity programme on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and quality of life in RTT.

Using directed-content analysis to identify a framework for understanding quality of life in adults with Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder mainly affecting females and is caused by a mutation in the MECP2 gene. Recent research identified the domains of quality of life (QOL) important for children with RTT but there has been no investigation of domains important for adults. This qualitative study explored QOL in adults with RTT and compared domains with those previously identified for children.

Oral health education and promotion in special needs children: Systematic review and meta-analysis

To review the effectiveness of oral health education and oral health promotion interventions for children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), in ensuring optimal gingival health, caries experience and oral health-related quality of life, compared to no interventions or alternative interventions.

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Mental Health in Children

The behavioral phenotype of neurogenetic disorders associated with intellectual disability often includes psychiatric comorbidity. The objectives of this systematic review and meta-analysis were to systematically review the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and symptoms in children and adolescents

Survival of children and adolescents with intellectual disability following gastrostomy insertion

Whilst gastrostomy insertion was associated with lower survival rates than children without gastrostomy, survival improved with time

Pregnancy and birth outcomes of mothers with intellectual disability and their infants: Advocacy needed to improve well-being

For mothers with intellectual disability, modifiable risk factors for adverse outcomes need addressing

A preliminary investigation of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on facial morphology in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

While early exposure to alcohol may influence the development of facial structures, it does not appear to be associated with ASD phenotypic variability

Stillbirth risk prediction using machine learning for a large cohort of births from Western Australia, 1980–2015

Almost half of stillbirths could be potentially identified antenatally based on a combination of factors

Hospital admissions in children with developmental disabilities from ethnic minority backgrounds

Children with CP and intellectual disability, particularly from minority backgrounds, were at higher risk of being admitted to hospital after the first year of life

Risk of Hospitalizations Following Gastrostomy in Children with Intellectual Disability

Gastrostomy was associated with health benefits including reduced all-cause and epilepsy hospitalizations, but was not protective against acute LRTI

The contributions of fetal growth restriction and gestational age to developmental outcomes at 12 months of age: A cohort study

Developmental assessment of infants with fetal growth restriction was mostly comparable to those born without fetal growth restriction at 12 months

Recurrence Risk of Autism in Siblings and Cousins: A Multinational, Population-Based Study

The present estimates of relative recurrence risks for autism spectrum disorder and childhood autism will assist clinicians and families in understanding autism risk

Predicting Long-Term Survival Without Major Disability for Infants Born Preterm

Apgar score, birth weight, sex, socioeconomic status, and maternal ethnicity, in addition to gestational age, have pronounced impacts on disability-free survival.

The incidence, prevalence and clinical features of MECP2 duplication syndrome in Australian children

MECP2 duplication syndrome is a rare but important diagnosis in children because of the burden of respiratory illness and recurrence risk

Assessing the quality, efficiency and usefulness of the Western Australian population-based Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers (IDEA) surveillance system

The IDEA system is a valuable resource to address the needs of people living with intellectual disability

Data Linkage: Canadian and Australian Perspectives on a Valuable Methodology for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Research

Building data linkage capabilities, and how linked databases can be used to identify persons with IDD and used for population-based research

Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder According to Maternal-Race Ethnicity and Country of Birth: A Register-Based Study

An increased prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among children of immigrant backgrounds has been observed

Requirements for improving health and well-being of children with Prader-Willi syndrome and their families

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic condition with multi-system involvement

Are preterm birth and intra-uterine growth restriction more common in Western Australian children of immigrant backgrounds? A population based data linkage study

Our findings illustrate the vulnerabilities of children born to foreign women from low and middle-income countries

Severity Assessment in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

A severity assessment was rapidly developed with input from multiple stakeholders. Refinement through ongoing validation is required for future clinical trials.

Birth seasonality and risk of autism spectrum disorder

In the first multinational study of birth seasonality of autism spectrum disorder, there was evidence supporting the presence of seasonal trends in Finland and Sweden

Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Like 5 Deficiency Disorder: Clinical Review

Clinical presentations and genetic variations in Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency disorder based on a systematic literature review and experience

Association of Genetic and Environmental Factors with Autism in a 5-Country Cohort

Based on population data from 5 countries, the heritability of ASD was estimated to be approximately 80%

Very Early Identification and Intervention for Infants at Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Transdiagnostic Approach

In this article, we examine the utility of a transdiagnostic, dimensional approach to very early identification and intervention for infants at risk of neurodevelopmental disorders

Association between interpregnancy interval and adverse birth outcomes in women with a previous stillbirth: an international cohort study

Conception within 12 months of a stillbirth was common and was not associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes in the subsequent pregnancy

Longitudinal effects of caregiving on parental well-being: the example of Rett syndrome, a severe neurological disorder

Our findings suggest that some opportunities do exist for clinicians to help optimise parental well-being

Cannabis for refractory epilepsy in children: A review focusing on CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

This review provides the first comprehensive overview of the potential role for cannabis based preparations in the treatment of CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

The Brain Basis of Comorbidity in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

This review discusses early brain development and the etiological factors that may give rise to atypical developmental trajectories, along with neuroimaging insights

Psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) measure

Initial evaluation suggests that QI-Disability is a reliable and valid measure of quality of life across the spectrum of intellectual disability

Epidemiology of gastrostomy insertion for children and adolescents with intellectual disability

Gastrostomy is increasingly used in multiple neurological conditions associated with intellectual disability, with no apparent accessibility barriers

Apgar score and risk of autism

This study suggests that low Apgar score is associated with higher risk of autism spectrum disorder, and in particular autistic disorder

A framework for understanding quality of life domains in individuals with the CDKL5 deficiency disorder

This study aimed to identify the quality of life domains important for individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder

Risk of Developmental Disorders in Children of Immigrant Mothers: A Population-Based Data Linkage Evaluation

Increased risk of autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability and cerebral palsy with intellectual disability for mothers of some foreign-born groups

A Population-Based Matched-Sibling Analysis Estimating the Associations Between First Interpregnancy Interval and Birth Outcomes

Interpregnancy intervals of <6 months were associated with increased odds of preterm birth in second-born infants

Parent-observed thematic data on quality of life in children with autism spectrum disorder

Parent observations provide an initial framework for understanding quality of life in autism spectrum disorder

Patterns of sedentary time and ambulatory physical activity in a Danish population of girls and women with Rett syndrome

High levels of sedentary time and low daily step counts in a Danish population of females with Rett syndrome

Intellectual disability in children conceived using assisted reproductive technology

The risk of intellectual disability was increased in children born after assisted reproductive technology in Western Australia from 1994 to 2002

Oral health experiences of individuals with Rett syndrome: A retrospective study

Social advantage may provide some protection for dental health in individuals with Rett syndrome

Evolving Trends of Gastrostomy Insertion Within a Pediatric Population

New gastrostomy insertion among children who require long-term enteral feeding support increased over the study period

Respiratory morbidity in Rett syndrome: An observational study

Rett syndrome is associated with increased vulnerability to lower respiratory tract infection requiring hospitalization

Impact of Gastrostomy Placement on Nutritional Status, Physical Health, and Parental Well-Being of Females with Rett Syndrome

Gastrostomy placement was associated with improvement in BMI in females with Rett syndrome, but its long-term impact on individuals and their families is unclear

Vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of refractory epilepsy in the CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

Our study suggests that vagus nerve stimulation is a generally safe and effective adjunct treatment for CDKL5-associated epilepsy

Sleep disturbances in Rett syndrome: Impact and management including use of sleep hygiene practices

Attention to sleep hygiene remains an important management strategy for sleep problems in Rett syndrome

An investigation of the determinants of quality of life in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome

Quality of life of young people with Down syndrome was most negatively associated with burden of medical conditions, but also with lack of friendships

What effect does regular exercise have on oxidative stress in people with Down syndrome? A systematic review with meta-analyses

There remains uncertainty about the effect of exercise on oxidative stress in people with Down syndrome

Management of oral and dental problems in Rett syndrome: a narrative review of the literature

Review of the available dental literature on assessment and management of the oral manifestations of Rett syndrome

Parent-reported health-related quality of life of children with Down syndrome: A descriptive study

To describe health-related quality of life of Australian children and adolescents with Down syndrome and compare it with norm-referenced data.

A qualitative investigation of recovery after femoral fracture in Rett syndrome

This study used qualitative methods to investigate the regaining of mobility in 12 months following fractures in Rett syndrome and parent caregiver experiences.

The Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Children of Immigrant and Refugee Parents: Current Knowledge and Directions for Future Research

We investigated the literature from 2002 to 2016 describing the risk of ASD, intellectual disability and ADHD in children of refugee and immigrant backgrounds.

Choice making in Rett syndrome: a descriptive study using video data

We describe the choice-making abilities of girls and women with Rett syndrome.

Use of health services in the last year of life and cause of death in people with intellectual disability: a retrospective matched cohort study

People with intellectual disability were more likely to experience potentially preventable conditions at the end of their lives

Validation of intellectual disability coding through hospital morbidity records using an intellectual disability population-based database in Western Australia

To investigate how well intellectual disability (ID) can be ascertained using hospital morbidity data compared with a population-based data source.

The prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Mental health conditions and problems are often reported in children and adolescents with CP. A systematic review was undertaken to describe their prevalence.

Environmental enrichment intervention for Rett syndrome: An individually randomised stepped wedge trial

We investigated the effects of environmental enrichment on gross motor skills and blood BDNF levels in girls with Rett syndrome.

We examined the impact of introducing a dedicated team to OPAT, to define the role of increased medical oversight in improving patient outcomes in this cohort.

To evaluate the risk of stillbirth, PTB, and SGA as a proxy for FGR following exposure to one or more of these factors in a previous birth.

Risk of stillbirth, preterm delivery, and fetal growth restriction following exposure in a previous birth: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Nonrecurrent risk of stillbirth, Preterm birth, and small for gestational age after exposure to one or more of these complications in a previous pregnancy

Risk and protective factors for the health of primary care-givers of children with autism spectrum disorders or ID: a narrative review

We aimed to review original research which described factors impacting the health of primary care-givers of children with Autism or Intellectual Disability

CDKL5 variants: Improving our understanding of a rare neurologic disorder

Providing new insights into the interpretation of genetic variants in a rare neurologi disorder, in the contexts of population sequencing data.

Exploring quality of life of children with cerebral palsy and intellectual disability: What are the important domains of life?

An estimated half of all children with cerebral palsy also have comorbid intellectual disability, the domains of QOL for these children are not well understood

Risk of Mortality into Adulthood According to Gestational Age at Birth

To quantify the independent risks of neonatal, postneonatal, 1 to 5 and 6 to 30 year mortality by gestational age and investigate changes in survival over time.

Comparing Parental Well-Being and Its Determinants Across Three Different Genetic Disorders Causing Intellectual Disability

This cross-sectional study examined parental well-being in caregivers of children with one of three genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability.

Measurement of Sedentary Behaviors or "downtime" in Rett Syndrome

This study aimed to validate measures of sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndrome.

Patterns of sedentary time and ambulatory physical activity in a Danish population of girls and women with Rett syndrome

We aimed to: (1) describe the patterns of sedentary time and daily steps and (2) identify the association of individual and environmental characteristitics.

Twenty-Five Year Survival of Children with Intellectual Disability in Western Australia

To investigate survival up to early adulthood for children with intellectual disability and compare their risk of mortality with that of children without intellectual disability.

Building the repertoire of measures of walking in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to determine measurement properties of a modified 2MWT and a modified Rett syndrome-specific FMS-RS in Rett syndrome.

Use of the ketogenic diet to manage refractory epilepsy in CDKL5 disorder

In view of its side effect profile, ketogenic diet (KD) administration should be supervised by a pediatric neurologist and specialist dietician.

Quantification of walking-based physical activity and sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndrome

Quantifying individual's with Rett syndrome with the ability to walk, walking based activities and sedentary time, analyzing a variety of influences.

Autonomic breathing abnormalities in Rett syndrome: caregiver perspectives in an international database study

Our aims were to characterize the abnormal breathing patterns and abdominal bloating, investigate the distribution of these by age and mutation type and examine their impact and management from a caregiver perspective.

Australian children living with rare diseases: experiences of diagnosis and perceived consequences of diagnostic delays

Parents of children living with rare chronic and complex diseases have called for better education and resourcing of health professionals

Maltreatment risk among children with disabilities

Supports are needed for families with children with disabilities to assist in meeting the child's health and developmental needs, but also to support the parents in managing the often more complex parenting environment.

Expanding the clinical picture of the MECP2 Duplication syndrome

People with two or more copies of MECP2 gene, located at Xq28, share clinical features and a distinct facial phenotype called MECP2 Duplication syndrome.

Caesarean section and risk of autism across gestational age: a multi-national cohort study of 5 million births

The positive association between caesarean section (CS) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be attributed to preterm delivery.

Feasibility of assessing diet with a mobile food record for adolescents and young adults with down syndrome

The aim was to assess the feasibility of assessing diet with an image-based mobile food record application in 51 adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome.

Qualitative Analysis of Parental Observations on Quality of Life in Australian Children with Down Syndrome

We investigated parental observations to identify QOL domains in children with Down Syndrome and determined whether domains differed between children and teens.

Impacts of caring for a child with the CDKL5 disorder on parental wellbeing and family quality of life

Investigate impacts on maternal health and family quality of life in families with a child with the CDKL5 disorder

Clinical and biological progress over 50 years in Rett syndrome

Review of the clinical and biological progress over 50 years in Rett Syndrome

Maternal Race-Ethnicity, Immigrant Status, Country of Birth, and the Odds of a Child With Autism

In this study, we used 134 204 mother population to examine the odds of ASD with intellectual disability in children from 1994 to 2005 with these features

Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: the experiences of their families

A number of themes emerged from the qualitative data which included parents' views and concerns about the capacity of their young adult to adapt and change to life in adulthood

Twenty-five-year survival for aboriginal and caucasian children with congenital heart defects in Western Australia, 1980 to 2010

Long-term survival was lower for Aboriginal children with congenital heart defects

Seizure variables and their relationship to genotype and functional abilities in the CDKL5 disorder

Epilepsy is pervasive but not mandatory for the CDKL5 disorder, and genotype and functional abilities were related to seizure frequency

Functional abilities in children and adults with the CDKL5 disorder

Although abilities were markedly impaired for the majority with the CDKL5 disorder, some females and a few males had better functional abilities

Health care utilization and costs for children and adults with duchenne muscular dystrophy

The annual economic cost of DMD was found to be high, reflecting a significant socioeconomic burden, especially in boys who reach adulthood

Determinants of sleep disturbances in Rett syndrome: Novel findings in relation to genotype

Prevalence and determinants of sleep problems in Rett syndrome

Quantitative and qualitative insights into the experiences of children with Rett syndrome and their families

Early presentation of Rett syndrome, including regression and challenges for families seeking a diagnosis

Mothers of Children with Autism have Different Rates of Cancer According to the Presence of Intellectual Disability in Their Child

Mothers of children with autism without ID had increased risk of cancer, which may relate to common genetic pathways

How can clinical ethics guide the management of comorbidities in the child with Rett syndrome?

This paper reviews the disorder Rett syndrome and evidence for the management of scoliosis and poor growth within a clinical ethics framework

Association of gestational age and growth measures at birth with infection-related admissions to hospital throughout childhood

Children who were born with reduced gestational age, birthweight, and birth length have persistently increased rates of infection-related admissions to hospital until age 18 years

Young people with intellectual disability transitioning to adulthood: Do behaviour trajectories differ in those with and without down syndrome

Changes in emotional and behavioural problems for young people with intellectual disability with and without Down syndrome as they transition into adulthood

Health care utilization and costs for children and adults with duchenne muscular dystrophy

Annual economic cost of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy was found to be high, reflecting a significant socioeconomic burden, especially in boys who reach adulthood

Population-based prevalence of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders in Western Australia

The prevalence of intellectual disability has risen in WA over the last 10 years with most of this increase due to mild or moderate intellectual disability

Prevalence and onset of comorbidities in the CDKL5 disorder differ from Rett syndrome

There were differences in the presentation of clinical features occurring in the CDKL5 disorder and in Rett syndrome.

Autism risk associated with parental age and with increasing difference in age between the parents

Increases in ASD was not only limited to advancing paternal or maternal age alone but also to differences parental age including younger or older similarly age

Conceptualizing a quality of life framework for girls with Rett syndrome using qualitative methods

Existing quality of life scales for children in the general population or with other disabilities did not capture the QOL of children with Rett syndrome

Brief Report: Burden of Care in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disability

Mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability have higher rates of treatment episodes for psychiatric disorders

Parental perspectives on the communication abilities of their daughters with Rett syndrome

How females with Rett syndrome communicate in everyday life and the barriers and facilitators to successful communication

Improved Survival in Down Syndrome over the Last 60 Years and the Impact of Perinatal Factors in Recent Decades

Improved survival for children born with Down syndrome over the last 60 years has occurred incrementally, but disparities still exist

Validating the rett syndrome gross motor scale

The Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale could be an appropriate measure of gross motor skills in clinical practice and clinical trials

Expanding the clinical picture of the MECP2 Duplication syndrome

Perinatal characteristics, early childhood development and medical co-morbidities in MECP2 Duplication syndrome

Family satisfaction following spinal fusion in Rett syndrome

We evaluated family satisfaction following spinal fusion in girls with Rett syndrome

Surgical fusion of early onset severe scoliosis increases survival in Rett syndrome: A cohort study

We investigated the impact of spinal fusion on survival and risk of severe lower respiratory tract infection in Rett syndrome.

Clinical guidelines for management of bone health in rett syndrome based on expert consensus and available evidence

A clinically significant history of fracture in combination with low bone densitometry findings is necessary for a diagnosis of osteoporosis in Rett Syndrome

Parental perspectives on the communication abilities of their daughters with Rett syndrome

Perspectives of parents are integral to the assessment of communication abilities and inform communication interventions for girls and women with Rett Syndrome

Maternal Psychiatric Disorder and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Intellectual Disability in Subsequent Offspring

This study adds to existing evidence that the rate of pre-existing psychiatric disorders in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder is higher than...

The relationship between maternal psychiatric disorder, autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability in the child: a composite picture

Research conducted by this laboratory has previously published four papers examining the relationship between maternal psychiatric disorders and having a...

Changes in caesarean delivery rates in Western Australia from 1995 to 2010 by gestational age at birth

The objective of this paper was to measure changes in caesarean delivery rates for primiparous women in Western Australia during 1995–2010 stratified by...

Rett syndrome: Establishing a novel outcome measure for walking activity in an era of clinical trials for rare disorders

Rett syndrome is a pervasive neurological disorder with impaired gait as one criterion.

Maternal mental health and risk of child protection involvement: Mental health diagnoses associated with increased risk

This WA data linkage study aims to assess whether maternal mental health problems are associated with worse child development outcomes, children’s safety and...

Health of mothers of children with intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder: a review of the literature

The deficits associated with intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD)place a burden on their co-residing families which may impact...

A validation study of a modified Bouchard activity record that extends the concept of 'uptime' to Rett syndrome

The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of using a Bouchard activity record (BAR) in individuals with Rett syndrome to measure physical...

Patterns of depressive symptoms and social relating behaviors differ over time from other behavioral domains for young people with Down syndrome

People with intellectual disabilities are at a higher risk for experiencing behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems in comparison with the general...

The increasing prevalence of reported diagnoses of childhood psychiatric disorders: a descriptive multinational comparison

The objective of this study is to compare the time trend of reported diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder, hyperkinetic disorder, Tourette's syndrome, and...

Spinal fusion in girls with Rett syndrome: Post-operative recovery and family experiences

Rett syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder mainly affecting females and scoliosis is a common co-morbidity. Spinal fusion may be recommended if...

Onset of maternal psychiatric disorders after the birth of a child with autism spectrum disorder: A retrospective cohort study

Mothers of a child with autism spectrum disorder have more psychiatric disorders after the birth of their child.

Onset of maternal psychiatric disorders after the birth of a child with intellectual disability: A retrospective cohort study

Mothers of a child with intellectual disability (ID) have more psychiatric disorders after the birth of their child than other mothers.

There is variability in the attainment of developmental milestones in the CDKL5 disorder

Individuals with the CDKL5 disorder have been described as having severely impaired development.

Aspects of speech-language abilities are influenced by MECP2 mutation type in girls with Rett syndrome

This study investigates relationships between methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 gene (MECP2) mutation type and speech-language abilities in girls with Rett syndrome.

Longitudinal bone mineral content and density in Rett syndrome and their contributing factors

Bone mass and density are low in females with Rett syndrome.

Association of gestational age at birth with reasons for subsequent hospitalisation: 18 Years of follow-up in a Western Australian population study

Preterm infants are at a higher risk of hospitalisation following discharge from the hospital after birth.

Early mortality and primary causes of death in mothers of children with intellectual disability or Autism spectrum disorder

Mothers of children with intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have poorer health than other mothers.

Rett syndrome: establishing a novel outcome measure for walking activity in an era of clinical trials for rare disorders

This study investigated the capacity of three accelerometer-type devices to measure walking activity in Rett syndrome

Experience of gastrostomy using a quality care framework: The example of rett syndrome

Gastrostomy assisted the management of feeding difficulties and poor weight gain, and was acceptable to families

Hospital admissions and gestational age at birth: 18 Years of follow up in Western Australia

This effect of gestational age on rehospitalisation for infants born preterm is highest in the first year post-discharge, but almost disappeared by adolescence

Day occupation is associated with psychopathology for adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome

In comparison to those young adults attending open employment from 2009 to 2011, those attending day recreation programs were reported to experience...

Influence of the environment on participation in social roles for young adults with down syndrome

The purpose of this study is to describe the social participation of young adults with Down syndrome and examine its relationship with the physical and...

The trajectories of sleep disturbances in Rett syndrome

This paper demonstrated that the evolution of sleep problems differed between subgroups of girls and women with Rett syndrome, in part explained by age and...

Parental perspectives on the communication abilities of their daughters with Rett syndrome

This study describes, from the perspective of parents, how females with Rett syndrome communicate in everyday life and the barriers and facilitators to...

Experiences Impacting the Quality of Life of Mothers of Children With Autism and Intellectual Disability

Mothers of autistic children and adults bewtween 11 and 24 years old were interviewed about the impacts and rewards associated with their children's disability.

Prevalence, clinical investigation, and management of gallbladder disease in Rett syndrome

This study determined the prevalence of cholelithiasis and/or cholecystectomy in Rett syndrome, described gallbladder function in a clinical cohort, and...

Community participation: Conversations with parent-Carers of young women with Rett syndrome

In this paper, the issue of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities facing significant challenges to participating in their community is...

Community participation for girls and women living with Rett syndrome

This paper aimed to describe the relationships between level of impairment and participation in community activities for girls and women with Rett syndrome.

Twenty years of surveillance in Rett syndrome: what does this tell us?

This study aimed to describe overall survival and adult health in those with Rett syndrome.

Health conditions and their impact among adolescents and young adults with down syndrome

The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of medical conditions and use of health services among young adults with Down syndrome and describe the...

Family satisfaction following spinal fusion in Rett syndrome

Families participating in the population-based and longitudinal Australian Rett Syndrome Database whose daughter had undergone spinal fusion provided data on...

Gastrointestinal dysmotility in rett syndrome

Through evidence review and the consensus of an expert panel, we developed recommendations for the clinical management of gastroesophageal reflux disease,...

Relationship between family quality of life and day occupations of young people with Down syndrome

This study aimed to explore relationships between family quality of life, day occupations and activities of daily living of young persons with Down syndrome.

“I have a good life”: the meaning of well-being from the perspective of young adults with Down syndrome

The purposes of this study were to explore what makes for a "good life" from the perspective of young adults with Down syndrome and to identify the barriers...

Pubertal trajectory in females with Rett syndrome: A population-based study

The aim of this study was to describe pubertal development in a population-based cohort of females with Rett syndrome.

Assessment and management of nutrition and growth in rett syndrome

We developed recommendations for the clinical management of poor growth and weight gain in Rett syndrome through evidence review and the consensus of an...

Admissions in Children with Down Syndrome: Experience of a Population-Based Cohort Followed from Birth

This study describes patterns of hospitalisations for children and young people with Down syndrome in Western Australia.

Changes in risk factors for preterm birth in Western Australia 1984-2006

Marked increases in maternal age and primiparous births were observed. A four-fold increase in the rates of pre-existing medical complications over time...

Community participation for girls and women living with Rett syndrome

Participation for girls and women with Rett syndrome could be enhanced by stronger local community supports.

Perspectives on hand function in girls and women with Rett syndrome

Hand function is particularly affected and we discuss theoretical and practical perspectives for optimising hand function in Rett syndrome.

Role of public and private funding in the rising caesarean section rate: A cohort study

Our results indicate that an increase in the prelabour caesarean delivery rate for private patients in private hospitals has been driving the increase in the...

Using a large international sample to investigate epilepsy in Rett syndrome

The aim of this study was to identify characteristics of epilepsy in Rett syndrome (RTT), and relationships between epilepsy and genotype.

The experiences of mothers of young adults with an intellectual disability transitioning from secondary school to adult life

The transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school...

Neonatal complications in public and private patients: A retrospective cohort study

Despite the rates of low Apgar scores being higher in public patients, the rates of special care admission were lower.

Trends in pre-existing mental health disorders among parents of infants born in Western Australia from 1990 to 2005

From 1990 to 2005, there was an increase in prevalence of parents with a prior history of mental health disorders in WA.

Resourceful and creative methods are necessary to research rare disorders

Our investigation used the infrastructure of InterRett, established in 2002 with dual aims of encour- aging international collaboration and ascertaining the...

The International Collaboration for Autism Registry Epidemiology (iCARE): Multinational Registry-Based Investigations of Autism Risk Factors and Trends

iCARE provides a unique, unprecedented resource in autism research that will significantly enhance the ability to detect environmental and genetic...

Pre-existing differences in mothers of children with Autism Spectrum disorder and/or intellectual disability: A review

The aim of this study is to review research on the pre-existing characteristics which differentiate mothers of children with ASD and/or ID of unknown cause...

Dental admissions in children under two years - A total-population investigation

This paper describes dental and oral cavity admissions and associated factors in children under two years of age using total-population databases.

The CDKL5 disorder is an independent clinical entity associated with early-onset encephalopathy

The clinical understanding of the CDKL5 disorder remains limited, with most information being derived from small patient groups seen at individual centres.

Hospitalisation rates for children with intellectual disability or autism born in Western Australia 1983-1999: A population-based cohort study

ID and/or ASD were found to be associated with an increased risk of hospitalisation compared with the remainder of the population.

Neonatal outcomes after preterm birth by mothers' health insurance status at birth: a retrospective cohort study

Publicly insured women usually have a different demographic background to privately insured women, which is related to poor neonatal outcomes after birth.

Caring for a child with severe intellectual disability in China: The example of Rett syndrome

Intellectual disability affects more than 1.5% of the population of children in developing countries yet we know little about the daily lives and support...

Early development and regression in Rett syndrome

Our findings provide additional insight into the early clinical profile of Rett syndrome.

Functioning and post-school transition outcomes for young people with Down syndrome

Our analysis shows that functioning in activities of daily living was related to post-school day occupation. Current health status and behaviour were found...

Maternal Conditions and Perinatal Characteristics Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability

Findings show that indicators of a poor intrauterine environment are associated with an elevated risk of ID, while for ASD, and particularly ASD without ID,...

Approaches to study the lifelong trajectories of children with neurodevelopmental conditions

We argue that population-based studies are critical to overcome the selection bias seen in many clinical samples and to identify true variability within a...

Application of Population-Based Linked Data to the Study of Intellectual Disability and Autism

Data linkage is the bringing together of specific datasets from different sources using demographic information on individuals within a population.

What does the nature of the MECP2 mutation tell us about parental origin and recurrence risk in Rett syndrome?

The MECP2 mutations occurring in the severe neurological disorder Rett syndrome are predominantly de novo, with rare familial cases. The aims of this study...

Total population investigation of dental hospitalizations in Indigenous children under five years in Western Australia using linked data

The aim of this study was to compare dental hospital admissions in a total state birth population of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children aged under five...

Family functioning in families with a child with Down syndrome: A mixed methods approach

This study aimed to explore the factors that predict functioning in families with a child with Down syndrome using a mixed methods design.

The phenotype associated with a large deletion on MECP2

Multiplex ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) has become available for the detection of a large deletion on the MECP2 gene.

Family Functioning in Families with a Child with Down syndrome: A Mixed Methods Approach

Family Functioning in Families with a Child with Down syndrome: A Mixed Methods Approach...

Young adults with intellectual disability transitioning from school to post-school: A literature review framed within the ICF

The purpose of this review was to describe literature relating to transition for young people with an intellectual disability and identify knowledge base gaps.

It's not what you were expecting, but it's still a beautiful journey: The experience of mothers of children with Down syndrome

The purpose of this study was to describe qualitatively the experience of parenting for mothers of a child with Down syndrome.

Intellectual disability: Population-based estimates of the proportion attributable to maternal alcohol use disorder during pregnancy

The aim of this study was to examine the association between maternal alcohol use disorder and intellectual disability in children.

To Feel Belonged: The Voices of Children and Youth with Disabilities on the Meaning of Wellbeing

The aim of this paper was to describe the meaning of wellbeing for children and youth with disabilities from their perspective.

Initial assessment of the StepWatch Activity Monitor™ to measure walking activity in Rett syndrome

In girls and women with Rett syndrome, we assessed the accuracy of the StepWatch Activity Monitor™ and investigated relationships between daily step counts,...

It's not what you were expecting, but it's still a beautiful journey: The experience of mothers of children with Down syndrome

The purpose of this study was to describe qualitatively the experience of parenting for mothers of a child with Down syndrome and to explore spirituality.

The diagnostic odyssey to Rett syndrome: The experience of an Australian family

The diagnosis of a rare disorder is dependent on the clinician's particular knowledge and experience, and can be challenging when the presentation is variable.

Barriers to diagnosis of a rare neurological disorder in China-Lived experiences of Rett syndrome families

Fourteen of 74 Chinese families known to the International Rett Syndrome Phenotype Database participated in this qualitative study.

Leisure participation for school-aged children with Down syndrome

Leisure participation for school-aged children with Down syndrome.

Change in Gross Motor Abilities of Girls and Women With Rett Syndrome Over a 3- to 4-Year Period

We describe change in gross motor function over 3 to 4 years for 70 subjects participating in the Australian Rett Syndrome Database

Trends in the diagnosis of Rett syndrome in Australia

Modifications to diagnostic criteria and introduction of genetic testing have likely affected the pattern and timing of Rett syndrome diagnosis...

Use of equipment and respite services and caregiver health among Australian families living with Rett syndrome

This study assessed factors that could influence equipment and respite services use among Australian families caring for a girl/woman with Rett syndrome and...

Altered attainment of developmental milestones influences the age of diagnosis of rett syndrome

This study describes the attainment of gross developmental milestones and regression, and assesses the relationships between genotype and age at diagnosis.

The relationship between MECP2 mutation type and health status and service use trajectories over time in a Rett syndrome population

This study aimed to investigate the trajectories over time of health status and health service use in Rett syndrome by mutation...

Bone mineral content and density in Rett syndrome and their contributing factors

This study used densitometry to investigate the areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in an Australian Rett syndrome cohort...

Measuring use and cost of health sector and related care in a population of girls and young women with Rett syndrome

This study measured use and cost of health sector and related services in Rett syndrome and effects of socio-demographic, clinical severity and genetic factors

Longitudinal hand function in Rett syndrome

Loss of hand function is a core feature of Rett syndrome. This article describes longitudinal hand function at 3 time points for 72 subjects participating...

Autism and intellectual disability are differentially related to sociodemographic background at birth

We used population data on Western Australian singletons born from 1984 to 1999 (n = 398,353) to examine the sociodemographic characteristics of children...

A comparison of autism prevalence trends in Denmark and Western Australia

Prevalence statistics for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) vary widely across geographical boundaries. Some variation can be explained by diagnostic methods...

Variation over time in medical conditions and health service utilization of children with Down syndrome

Variation over time in medical conditions and health service utilization of children with Down syndrome.

The impact of single gene and chromosomal disorders on hospital admissions of children and adolescents: A population-based study

It is well recognized that genetic disease makes a significant contribution to childhood illness. Here, we present recent population data describing...

Measuring use and cost of health sector and related care in a population of girls and young women with Rett syndrome

This study measured use and cost of health sector and related services in Rett syndrome and effects of socio-demographic, clinical severity and genetic...

Rett Syndrome: Revised diagnostic criteria and nomenclature

The purpose of this work was to revise and clarify 2002 consensus criteria for the diagnosis of RTT in anticipation of treatment trials.

Monitoring child abuse and neglect at a population level: patterns of hospital admissions for maltreatment and assault

To investigate the prevalence, trends, and characteristics of maltreatment and assault related hospital admissions and deaths among children;

The use of cross-jurisdictional population data to investigate health indicators of child maltreatment

To investigate the prevalence, trends, and characteristics of maltreatment and assault related hospital admissions and deaths among children

Survival with Rett syndrome: comparing Rett's original sample with data from the Australian Rett syndrome Database

Rett syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder that typically affects females. Little is known about the natural history and survival time of these femal

Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in diagnosis in females with Rett syndrome

There is often delay between onset of Rett syndrome symptoms and its diagnosis, possibly related to symptom presentation or socio-demographic factors.

Unpacking the complex nature of the autism epidemic

The etiology of autism spectrum disorders is unknown but there are claims of increasing prevalence in many countries.

Valproate and risk of fracture in Rett syndrome

This study investigated the relationships between fracture risk and commonly used AEDs in Rett syndrome.

Characteristics of non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal children and families with substantiated child maltreatment

To investigate specific child and parental factors associated with increased vulnerability to substantiated child maltreatment.

Linking MECP2 and pain sensitivity: the example of Rett syndrome

This study investigated the nature and prevalence of atypical pain responses in Rett syndrome and their relationships with specific MECP2 mutations.

Updating the profile of C-terminal MECP2 deletions in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to compare the phenotype of Rett syndrome cases with C-terminal deletions to that of cases with different MECP2 mutations

Epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females with PCDH19 mutations can present de novo or in single generation families

Epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females (EFMR) is an intriguing X-linked disorder affecting heterozygous females and sparing hemizygous males.

Unpacking the complex nature of the autism epidemic

This paper discusses changes in diagnostic criteria, decreasing age at diagnosis, improved case ascertainment, diagnostic substitution, and social influences.

Stereotypical hand movements in 144 subjects with Rett syndrome from the population-based Australian database

Stereotypic hand movements are a feature of Rett Syndrome but few studies have observed their nature systematically.

Hip displacement and scoliosis in Rett syndrome - screening is required

The prevalence of hip displacement and spinal deformity in a clinic population of females with Rett syndrome to define implications for screening and management

Overview of health issues in school-aged children with Down Syndrome

Overview of Health Issues in School-aged Children with Down Syndrome

Guidelines for management of scoliosis in Rett syndrome patients based on expert consensus and clinical evidence

To develop guidelines for the clinical management of scoliosis in Rett syndrome through evidence review and consensus expert panel opinion.

The common BDNF polymorphism may be a modifier of disease severity in Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (RTT) is caused by mutations in the transcriptional repressor methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2).

Impact of scoliosis surgery on activities of daily living in females with Rett syndrome

Scoliosis is a common orthopaedic complication of Rett syndrome, and surgery is commonly used to reduce asymmetry in cases with severe scoliosis.

Parental experiences of scoliosis management in Rett syndrome

Scoliosis is the most common orthopaedic complication of Rett syndrome. Parents of affected individuals are vital partners in the clinical management...

InterRett, a model for international data collection in a rare genetic disorder

This study compared socio-demographic, clinical and genetic characteristics of the international database, InterRett, and the population-based Australian...

Siblings of children with disabilities: challenges and opportunities

Siblings of children with disabilities: challenges and opportunities

Rare childhood diseases: how should we respond?

Paradoxically, rare diseases are common, collectively affecting 6-10% of the population and have a huge impact on patients and families, health services,...

Physical and mental health in mothers of children with Down syndrome.

Physical and mental health in mothers of children with Down syndrome.

The impact of having a sibling with an intellectual disability:parental perspectives in two disorders

This study describes the impact of having a sibling with Down syndrome or Rett syndrome using a questionnaire completed by parents.

Gross Motor Profile in Rett Syndrome as Determined by Video Analysis

This study used video supplemented by parent report data to describe the gross motor profile in females with Rett syndrome (n=99) and to investigate...

The diagnosis of autism in a female: could it be Rett syndrome?

The aims of this study were to compare the early and subsequent clinical courses of female subjects with Rett syndrome categorised by whether...

Investigating genotype-phenotype relationships in Rett syndrome using an international data set

This study uses data from a large international database, InterRett, to examine genotype-phenotype relationships and compares these with previous findings in...

Early determinants of fractures in Rett syndrome

The goals were to compare the fracture incidence in Rett syndrome with that in the general population and to investigate the impact of genotype, epilepsy,...

Sleep problems in Rett syndrome

Sleep problems are thought to occur commonly in Rett syndrome, but there has been little research on prevalence or natural history.

Feeding experiences and growth status in a Rett syndrome population

Feeding difficulties in Rett syndrome are complex and multifactorial. In this study, we describe the feeding experiences in Rett syndrome and examine the...

Development of a video-based evaluation tool in Rett syndrome

This paper describes the development of a video-based evaluation tool for use in Rett syndrome (RTT).

Seizures in Rett syndrome: an overview from a one-year calendar study

Information on daily seizure occurrence and health service utilization and monthly anti-epileptic drug use was provided on 162 Rett syndrome cases for a...

Delineation of large deletions of the MECP2 gene in Rett syndrome patients, including a familial case with a male proband

Comprehensive genetic screening programs have led to the identification of pathogenic methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) mutations...

Correlation between clinical severity in patients with Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome (RTT) is an X-linked dominant neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually associated with mutations in the MECP2 gene.

Physical and mental health of mothers caring for a child with Rett syndrome

This study compared the behavior profile of cases in the Australian Rett Syndrome Database (ARSD) with those in a British study using the Rett Syndrome...

Predictors of seizure onset in Rett syndrome

Information on presence and age at onset of seizures, perinatal and developmental history, and genetic status was abstracted on 275 cases in the Australian...

Predictors of scoliosis in Rett syndrome

Scoliosis is a common clinical manifestation of Rett syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder that almost exclusively affects girls.

Early progressive encephalopathy in boys and MECP2 mutations

MECP2 mutations mainly occur in females with Rett syndrome. Mutations have been described in 11 boys with progressive encephalopathy...

Lost in translation: translational interference from a recurrent mutation in exon 1 of MECP2

Rett syndrome (RTT) is an X linked neuro-developmental disorder affecting mostly girls. Mutations in the coding region of MECP2 are found in 80% of classic...

NTNG1 mutations are a rare cause of Rett syndrome

A translocation that disrupted the netrin G1 gene (NTNG1) was recently reported in a patient with the early seizure variant of Rett syndrome (RTT).

The association between behaviour and genotype in Rett Syndrome using the Australian Rett Syndrome Database

This study compared the behavior profile of cases in the Australian Rett Syndrome Database (ARSD) with those in a British study using the Rett Syndrome...

Rett syndrome in Australia: a review of the epidemiology

To examine the prevalence, cumulative incidence, and survival in an Australian cohort with Rett syndrome (RTT).

Education and Qualifications

1964-1969, University of Glasgow, MB ChB

1996, University of Western Australia, MPH

Awards and Honours

1964, Lorimer Bursary in Chemistry

1965, John Hunter Medal for Biochemistry, David Livingstone Prize in Physiology, Lorimer Bursary in Biochemistry

1968, William Cullen Medal for Psychological Medicine

1996, Board Travel Scholarship, Disability Services Commission

2008, Circle of Angels Research Award for contribution to Rett syndrome research internationally-awarded by International Rett Syndrome Foundation

2011, Determinants of Child Health and Development: Populations, Partnerships, Pathways and Prevention NHMRC Ten of the Best Research Projects

2012, Consumer and Community Participation Award The Kids for Child Health Research

2012, Author of one of UWA's 2010 highly cited papers University of Western Australia

Active Collaborations

Neurology Department, Perth Children's Hospital

Neonatology, Joondalup Health Campus

Curtin University

Centre for Comparative Genomics, Murdoch University

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

University of Sydney

University of New South Wales

Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne

Mount Sinai Medical Centre, New York

Karolinksa Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

University of Glasgow ​