A near-complete genome of the uncultured Staphylococcus aureus phage COMBAT-CF_PAR1 isolated from the lungs of an infant with cystic fibrosisIn cystic fibrosis, bacteria–bacteriophage interaction in the lower airways is poorly understood. We present the near-complete genome of the uncultured Siphovirus-like bacteriophage, Staphylococcus aureus phage COMBAT-CF_PAR1, isolated from the lower airways. The genome spans 41,510 bp with 33.45% guanine–cytosine content and contains 65 open reading frames.
Maternal educational attainment in pregnancy and epigenome-wide DNA methylation changes in the offspring from birth until adolescenceMaternal educational attainment (MEA) shapes offspring health through multiple potential pathways. Differential DNA methylation may provide a mechanistic understanding of these long-term associations. We aimed to quantify the associations of MEA with offspring DNA methylation levels at birth, in childhood and in adolescence.
Spatio-temporal mapping of stunting and wasting in Nigerian children: A bivariate mixture modelingStudies have shown that stunting and wasting indicators are strongly correlated among children, with the potential of concurrently affecting their physical and cognitive development. However, the identification of subpopulations of children with varying risks of stunting and wasting could be valuable for targeted intervention.
A Deep Learning-Based System for the Assessment of Dental Caries Using Colour Dental PhotographsDental caries remains the most common chronic disease in childhood, affecting almost half of all children globally. Dental care and examination of children living in remote and rural areas is an ongoing challenge that has been compounded by COVID.
Fine-grained Fidgety Movement Classification using Active LearningTypically developing infants, between the corrected age of 9-20 weeks, produce fidgety movements. These movements can be identified with the General Movement Assessment, but their identification requires trained professionals to conduct the assessment from video recordings.
Mapping Lung Hematopoietic Progenitors: Developmental Kinetics and Response to Influenza A InfectionThe bone marrow is a specialised niche responsible for the maintenance of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells during homeostasis and inflammation. Recent studies however have extended this essential role to the extramedullary and extravascular lung microenvironment. Here, we provide further evidence for a reservoir of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells within the lung from embryonic day 18.5 until adulthood.
Determinants of lung function development from birth to age 5 years: an interrupted time series analysis of a South African birth cohortEarly life is a key period that determines long-term health. Lung development in childhood predicts lung function attained in adulthood and morbidity and mortality across the life course. We aimed to assess the effect of early-life lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) and associated risk factors on lung development from birth to school age in a South African birth cohort.
How climate change degrades child health: A systematic review and meta-analysisChildren are more vulnerable than adults to climate-related health threats, but reviews examining how climate change affects human health have been mainly descriptive and lack an assessment of the magnitude of health effects children face. This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis that identifies which climate-health relationships pose the greatest threats to children.
Associations between natural blue and green space and preschool children's movement behavioursNatural outdoor environments provide important settings for children to engage in physical activity. It is unclear if these relationships also exist in preschool aged children. We examined associations between amount and type of neighbourhood vegetation and blue space, proximity to the beach and preschooler's device-measured movement behaviours.
Social support helps protects against depressed mood in adolescenceThe goals of the current study were to identify different trajectories of sadness from Grade 6 to 9 in Australian school students, and to explore the role that social support from school, teachers, friends and families play in supporting students’ mental health.