
News & Events
National FASD diagnostic tool to improve outcomes for kidsAustralia's first national diagnostic tool for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has been developed by researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia and the U

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EVENT: Aboriginal Health ForumFollowing our highly successful Open Space Forums in 2014, The Kids warmly invites you to our next forum on Aboriginal Health.
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Warburton Community book launchThe Kids Research Institute Australia Founding Director Professor Fiona Stanley will help launch a series of children's books on Monday, written by local Aboriginal people

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Gastro gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children shrinkingThe world's largest study of gastroenteritis trends in children has shown the disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health may be improving.
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New Study Focuses on Teen Sex IssuesWestern Australian researchers are surveying secondary school students to find out what factors put young people at risk of unintended pregnancy.
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Report finds most programs ineffective for Aboriginal childrenThe largest survey ever undertaken of Aboriginal children and families has thrown new light on why most existing intervention programs are failing.
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High stress burden takes toll on Aboriginal childrenA landmark new report on the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children
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Aboriginal researcher receives Fiona Stanley MedalAboriginal researcher Annette Stokes has been awarded the Fiona Stanley Medal for her commitment to improving child health and wellbeing.
Family Study of Ear Health and Metabolic Diseases in a Western Australian Aboriginal CommunityTo determine whether these extreme manifestations of disease are associated with rare or novel genetic variants in a Western Australian Aboriginal population.

Are you a young person (14-25 years old) who is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and LGBTIQ?