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A reference collection of patient-derived cell line and xenograft models of proneural, classical and mesenchymal glioblastoma

We present a curated panel of 12 readily-usable, cell lines representing the spectrum of molecular subtypes of IDH-wildtype glioblastoma


MK2 inhibition induces p53-dependent senescence in glioblastoma cells

In response to DNA damaging chemotherapy, targeting MK2 in p53-mutated cells produces a phenotype that is distinct from the p53-deficient phenotype


Activation of ERBB4 in Glioblastoma Can Contribute to Increased Tumorigenicity and Influence Therapeutic Response

Despite low ERBB4 mRNA in glioblastoma, the functional effects of increased ERBB4 activation identify ERBB4 as a potential prognostic and therapeutic target


Anti-metabolite chemotherapy increases LAG-3 expressing tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes which can be targeted by combination immune checkpoint blockade

Antibodies that target immune checkpoints such as cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4, programmed cell death protein/ligand 1 are approved for treatment of multiple cancer types. 


Invasive fungal disease in children with solid tumors: An Australian multicenter 10-year review

Invasive fungal disease (IFD) occurs less frequently during treatment for solid compared to hematological malignancies in children, and risk groups are poorly defined. Retrospective national multicenter cohort data (2004-2013) were analyzed to document prevalence, clinical characteristics, and microbiology of IFD.


Protocol for delivery of intraoperative immunotherapy to mice by surgical debulking of subcutaneous tumors

Pre-clinical studies developing novel therapies to prevent cancer recurrence require appropriate surgical models. Here, we present a protocol for surgical debulking of subcutaneous tumors in mice, which allows for intraoperative application of immunotherapy-loaded biomaterials. 


Stimulation of alpha-1 adrenoceptors may intensify cutaneous inflammation in complex regional pain syndrome

Alpha-1 adrenoceptors are overexpressed in the epidermis of a subgroup of patients with complex regional pain syndrome. Activating α 1 -adrenoceptors in epidermal cells increases production of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6, a mediator of inflammation.


Platelets after burn injury–hemostasis and beyond

Burn injuries are common and often life-threatening trauma. With this trauma comes an interruption of normal hemostasis, with distinct impacts on platelets.


Spitz Melanoma of Childhood With A Novel Promoter Hijacking Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (C2orf42-ALK) Rearrangement

We present the case of a prepubescent man of African descent who developed a spitzoid melanocytic proliferation showing evidence of a novel promoter hijacking ALK-C2orf42 rearrangement, with atypical histology, clinically apparent metastatic disease, and abnormal cytogenetic findings, representing a rare genuine case of "Spitz melanoma of childhood."


Tumour draining lymph node-generated CD8 T cells play a role in controlling lung metastases after a primary tumour is removed but not when adjuvant immunotherapy is used

Surgical resection of cancer remains the frontline therapy for millions of patients annually, but post-operative recurrence is common, with a relapse rate of around 45% for non-small cell lung cancer. The tumour draining lymph nodes (dLN) are resected at the time of surgery for staging purposes, and this cannot be a null event for patient survival and future response to immune checkpoint blockade treatment. This project investigates cancer surgery, lymphadenectomy, onset of metastatic disease, and response to immunotherapy in a novel model that closely reflects the clinical setting. In a murine metastatic lung cancer model, primary subcutaneous tumours were resected with associated dLNs remaining intact, completely resected or partially resected.