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Community and Food Environments study

Gina Nicole Trapp Wickens BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD BHlthSc (Hons) Honorary Research Associate Program Coordinator 08 6319 1033 Gina.Trapp@


COMBAT CF: A phase 3 multi-centre randomized placebo-controlled study of azithromycin in the primary prevention of radiologically-defined bronchiectasis in infants with cystic fibrosis.

A phase 3 multi-centre randomized placebo-controlled study of azithromycin in the primary prevention of radiologically-defined bronchiectasis in infants with cystic fibrosis


Sore Throat Melbourne and Perth Study: The Australian Strep A Vaccine Initiative (ASAVI) Urban Pharyngitis Surveillance Study (STAMPS)

Jonathan Peter Carapetis AM Richmond AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Executive Director; Co-Head, Strep A Translation; Co-Founder


Start smart: a program for healthy mobile technology use by young children

Investigators: Donna Cross External collaborators: Leon Straker (Curtin University of Technology), Erin Howie (Curtin University of Technology),


The Kids Cancer Biobank, patient-derived xenograft model development and genome-wide characterization

Raelene Nick Endersby Gottardo BSc (Hons) PhD MBChB FRACP PhD Brainchild Fellow; Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research


The Early Childhood Education Project in Lao PDR

Researchers in the Child Health, Development and Education Team support a number of projects financed by the World Bank and the Global Partnership for Education to promote early learning and development in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR).


The Missing Piece Surveillance Study: A surveillance study for strep A pharyngitis and impetigo in the Kimberley, Australia

The Missing Piece Surveillance Study is a prospective surveillance study to determine the concurrent burden of skin and throat infections in children, from two remote communities in Northern Australia.


The next generation of impact in cystic fibrosis

Lung damage in children with CF occurs much earlier than previously thought, and proving this is related to the decline that occurs later will create new paradigms for prevention and treatment.


The NICE GUT Trial

Tom Snelling BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Head, Infectious Disease Implementation Research 08 6319 1817 Head,