Host genetic factors in American cutaneous leishmaniasis: A critical appraisal of studies conducted in an endemic area of BrazilThis paper reviews American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) immunogenetics in the state of Bahia (BA), northeastern Brazil, highlighting the interacting roles...
The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic componentDissecting how genetic and environmental influences impact on learning is helpful for maximizing numeracy and literacy.
Reference genotype and exome data from an Australian Aboriginal population for health-based researchThis data set provides a useful reference point for genomic studies on Aboriginal Australians
Candidate gene analysis supports a role for polymorphisms at TCF7L2 as risk factors for type 2 diabetes in SudanMultiethnic associations between T2D and SNPs at TCF7L2, CAPN10 and HHEX extend to Sub-Saharan Africa, specifically Sudan
No simple answers for the Finnish and Russian Karelia allergy contrast: Methylation of CD14 geneThe methylation variation in the promoter region of CD14 gene did not explain the asthma and allergy contrast between Finnish and Russian Karelian children
Toxoplasma Modulates Signature Pathways of Human Epilepsy, Neurodegeneration & Cancer.disease-deconvolution" identified associations between the parasite-brain interactions and epilepsy, movement disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.
Immunogenetics of Parasitic and Bacterial DiseaseHere we focus on more recent well-powered genome-wide association studies, including malaria, leprosy, tuberculosis, and visceral leishmaniasis
Polymorphism in a lincRNA Associates with a Doubled Risk of Pneumococcal Bacteremia in Kenyan ChildrenIdentified an association between polymorphisms in a long intergenic non-coding RNA (lincRNA) gene (AC011288.2) and pneumococcal bacteremia
An atlas of human long non-coding RNAs with accurate 5′ endsCombining these findings with conservation data, we identify 19,175 potentially functional lncRNAs in the human genome.
In vitro drug susceptibility of two strains of the wildlife trypanosome, Trypanosoma copemani: A comparison with Trypanosoma cruziCompared the in vitro susceptibility of two strains of Trypanosoma copemani and one strain of T. cruzi against drugs that show trypanocidal activity