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High concentrations of middle ear antimicrobial peptides and proteins are associated with detection of middle ear pathogens in children with recurrent acute otitis media

Elevated antimicrobial proteins and peptides and cytokines in middle ear effusion are a marker of inflammation and bacterial persistence


Topical antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis media

We are uncertain about the effectiveness of topical antibiotics in improving resolution of ear discharge in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media


Antibiotics versus topical antiseptics for chronic suppurative otitis media

To assess the effectiveness of antibiotics versus antiseptics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media.


High detection rates of nucleic acids of a wide range of respiratory viruses in the nasopharynx and the middle ear

Both bacteria and viruses play a role in the development of acute otitis media, however, the importance of specific viruses is unclear.


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.

News & Events

Deborah Lehmann Research Award Opportunity

The Deborah Lehmann Research Award in Paediatric Infectious Disease Research is a funding mechanism to support the training and development of early- to mid-career researchers (EMCR) or Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students who are nationals from the Pacific Region working in or outside their hom


A systematic review of the evidence that swimming pools improve health and wellbeing in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia

The benefits that swimming pools may bring to to ear and eye health in remote Aboriginal communities remains unresolved


Does Child Care in the First Year of Life Pose a Risk for Concurrent and Future Ear Infections?

The longitudinal analyses found no evidence of increased (or decreased) long-term risk of ear infections in subsequent waves associated with attending a child care centre


Recurrent otitis media and behaviour problems in middle childhood: A longitudinal cohort study

To investigate the long-term effects of early-life recurrent otitis media (OM) and subsequent behavioural problems in children at the age of 10 years.