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Opportunistic adolescent health assessment in the child protection unit

Adolescents attending a hospital-based CPU report high rates of health-risk behaviours


Social environmental risk factors for transition to psychosis in an Ultra-High Risk population.

Despite social environmental factors such as deprivation, urbanicity, migration and adversity being established risk factors for psychotic disorders...


Can joined-up data lead to joined-up thinking? The Western Australian Developmental Pathways Project

Modern societies are challenged by "wicked problems" - by definition, those that are difficult to define, multi-casual and hard to treat.


Low intake of B-vitamins is associated with poor adolescent mental health and behaviour

The current prevalence of mental health problems in Western populations is approximately 20% and half of all adult mental health disorders are estimated to...


Justice capital: A model for reconciling structural and agentic determinants of desistance

The emerging literature on desistance (and recovery from addictions) has focused on key life-course transitions that can be characterised as the need for jobs (meaningful activities), friends (transitioning to pro-social) and houses (a home free from threat). The term ‘recovery capital’ is used to characterise personal, social and community resources an individual can draw upon to support their recovery, partly bridging agentic (personal) and structural (community) factors.


Dietary patterns and markers for the metabolic syndrome in Australian adolescents

Overweight and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) as well as their clustering, are increasingly prevalent among adolescents.

News & Events

New policy provides much needed focus on overlooked youth

The need for a WA Youth Health Policy has been evident for years. Now, with The Kids Research Institute Australia helping to drive the project, it is coming to fruition.

News & Events

8 tips to raise happy kids

All parents want their children to be happy. But in our rapidly changing modern world what does that actually mean? Prof. Stephen Zubrick provides his top tips.


HPV prevalence in Canberra high school students: significance for vaccination strategies and adolescent health

HPV prevalence in Canberra high school students: significance for vaccination strategies and adolescent health.


Is sexual content in new media linked to sexual risk behaviour in young people? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Strong association between self-reported exposure to sexual content in new media and sexual behaviours in young people