Population-based prevalence of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders in Western AustraliaThe prevalence of intellectual disability has risen in WA over the last 10 years with most of this increase due to mild or moderate intellectual disability
Surgical fusion of early onset severe scoliosis increases survival in Rett syndrome: A cohort studyWe investigated the impact of spinal fusion on survival and risk of severe lower respiratory tract infection in Rett syndrome.
Parental perspectives on the communication abilities of their daughters with Rett syndromePerspectives of parents are integral to the assessment of communication abilities and inform communication interventions for girls and women with Rett Syndrome
Early mortality and primary causes of death in mothers of children with intellectual disability or Autism spectrum disorderMothers of children with intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have poorer health than other mothers.
“I have a good life”: the meaning of well-being from the perspective of young adults with Down syndromeThe purposes of this study were to explore what makes for a "good life" from the perspective of young adults with Down syndrome and to identify the barriers...
Assessment and management of nutrition and growth in rett syndromeWe developed recommendations for the clinical management of poor growth and weight gain in Rett syndrome through evidence review and the consensus of an...
Using a large international sample to investigate epilepsy in Rett syndromeThe aim of this study was to identify characteristics of epilepsy in Rett syndrome (RTT), and relationships between epilepsy and genotype.
Neonatal complications in public and private patients: A retrospective cohort studyDespite the rates of low Apgar scores being higher in public patients, the rates of special care admission were lower.
The International Collaboration for Autism Registry Epidemiology (iCARE): Multinational Registry-Based Investigations of Autism Risk Factors and TrendsiCARE provides a unique, unprecedented resource in autism research that will significantly enhance the ability to detect environmental and genetic...
Resourceful and creative methods are necessary to research rare disordersOur investigation used the infrastructure of InterRett, established in 2002 with dual aims of encour- aging international collaboration and ascertaining the...