Data resource profile: The Australian early development index (AEDI)This paper describes the Australian Early Development Index, a developmental census conducted by the Australian Government across the entire population of...
Neighbourhood Effects Influencing Early Childhood Development: Conceptual Model and Trial Measurement Methodologies from the Kids in Communities StudySocio-environmental factors, including the neighbourhoods in which children live and grow, are key determinants of children's developmental outcomes.
Associations Between the Early Development Instrument at Age 5, and Reading and Numeracy Skills at Ages 8, 10 and 12: a Prospective Linked Data StudyThe objective of this paper is to determine how well the EDI predicts a child's later literacy and numeracy outcomes as assessed by the National Assessment...

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The Impact of Poverty - interview with Louise GiolittoPoverty invades every aspect of a child’s life and, as a growing body of research tells us, affects physical and mental wellbeing as well as future opportunitie

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New report to shape early years services in MidlandA new report on families with 0-4 year olds in the Midland area aims to help shape development of the sector and ensure parents are better placed to access support in their efforts to ensure the healthy development of their babies and toddlers.

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Lung problems continue into childhood for premmie babiesNew research from Perth’s The Kids Research Institute Australia shows that babies born premature continue to have lung problems well into childhood.
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No link between testosterone levels in womb and behaviourA project from the Raine Study shows testosterone levels in the womb have little impact on later childhood behavior.
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New study brings hope for preventing lung disease in children with cystic fibrosisResearchers at Perth's Telethon Institute are one step closer to preventing serious lung disease which is the main cause of suffering in cystic fibrosis.
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Learning more about Australia's childrenThis week more than 7500 government and non-government schools across Australia will start taking part in the world's most comprehensive collection of
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30% of children at risk of future heart diseaseAlmost 30% of 14-year-old Australian children fall within a group identified as being at future increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes or stroke