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Long-term follow-up after recurrent otitis media and ventilation tube insertion: Hearing outcomes and middle-ear health at six years of age

To investigate the long-term impact of recurrent otitis media (rOM) and ventilation tube insertion (VTI) in early childhood on hearing outcomes and middle-ear health three to five years later, in a prospective pregnancy cohort study.


Epigenomic variability is associated with age-specific naïve CD4 T cell response to activation in infants and adolescents

Childhood is a critical period of immune development. During this time, naïve CD4 T cells undergo programmed cell differentiation, mediated by epigenetic changes, in response to external stimuli leading to a baseline homeostatic state that may determine lifelong disease risk. However, the ontogeny of epigenetic signatures associated with CD4 T cell activation during key developmental periods are yet to be described.


Airway smooth muscle thickness and contraction are enhanced by intra-amniotic lipopolysaccharide in an ovine model of premature birth

Abnormalities of the airway smooth muscle (ASM) layer in asthma may develop before birth. We hypothesize that antenatal inflammation causes physiological abnormalities of the ASM that predisposes asthma. This study determined the short-term effects of antenatal inflammation on the developing ASM.


The impact a Mediterranean Diet in the third trimester of pregnancy has on neonatal body fat percentage

Maternal diet during pregnancy has long been recognised as an important determinant of neonatal outcomes and child development. Infant body composition is a potentially modifiable risk factor for predicting future health and metabolic disease.


Associations between School Readiness and Student Wellbeing: A Six-Year Follow Up Study

It is well established that children’s school readiness is associated with their later academic achievement, but less is known about whether school readiness is also associated with other measures of school success, such as students’ social and emotional wellbeing. While some previous research has shown a link between early social and emotional development and student wellbeing, results are mixed and the strength of these relationships vary depending on whether data is based on child, teachers or parents ratings and which specific student wellbeing outcomes are measured.


Prenatal tobacco use and the risk of mood disorders in offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis

It is plausible that offspring born to mothers using tobacco during pregnancy may have increased risk of mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorders); however, mixed results have been reported.


The role of social support in differentiating trajectories of adolescent depressed mood

This study explored the extent to which disaggregated support from family, peers, close friendships, teachers, and schools predicted membership into identified, sex-specific trajectories of depressed mood in 3210 Australian adolescents (49% females) based on self-report data collected at four annual time points from school Grade 6 to 9 (ages 10–16).


Early childhood educator outcomes from online professional development for physical literacy: A randomised controlled trial

Early childhood is recognised as a critical window of opportunity for physical literacy development, however early childhood educators typically lack the training required to effectively provide appropriate physical literacy opportunities for children.

News & Events

Early childhood researcher a finalist in peak South Australian science awards

A The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher whose PhD studies highlighted the link between screen time exposure and toddlers’ language development has been named a finalist in South Australia’s Science Excellence and Innovation Awards.

News & Events

The Kids Research Institute Australia to lead ground-breaking child health research in South Australia

The Kids Research Institute Australia's Adelaide facility has been officially opened by South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas.