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Incidence and associated risk factors for falls in adults with intellectual disability

People with intellectual disability fall at a younger age compared with the broader community


Expanding the phenotype of the CDKL5 deficiency disorder: Are seizures mandatory?

These cases, both without seizures but with apparent behavioral symptomatology, together question whether seizures are mandatory in this disorder


Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Like 5 Deficiency Disorder: Clinical Review

Clinical presentations and genetic variations in Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency disorder based on a systematic literature review and experience


Recurrence Risk of Autism in Siblings and Cousins: A Multinational, Population-Based Study

The present estimates of relative recurrence risks for autism spectrum disorder and childhood autism will assist clinicians and families in understanding autism risk


The contributions of fetal growth restriction and gestational age to developmental outcomes at 12 months of age: A cohort study

Developmental assessment of infants with fetal growth restriction was mostly comparable to those born without fetal growth restriction at 12 months


Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) Network

The MINERvA Network will allow more accurate and precise determination of the contributions of familial and environmental factors to the etiology of autism.


Cerebral palsy: Epidemiology

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a lifelong physical disability, resulting from maldevelopment or damage to the developing brain. All children with CP have a disorder of movement and posture, but this is often accompanied by disorders of intellect, sensation, behaviour and epilepsy. Long-standing CP registers and surveillance systems estimate the prevalence of CP as approximately 2 per 1000 live births; however variations are seen over time and in different regions of the world.


The Effect of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Obturation Levels on the Outcome of Endodontic Retreatment: An Observational Study

No clinical studies have examined the effect of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) obturation levels on the outcome of endodontic retreatment. This retrospective study examined treatment outcomes in three cohorts that compared overfilling, flush filling, and underfilling after orthograde retreatment using MTA.


The development, content and response process validation of a caregiver-reported severity measure for CDKL5 deficiency disorder

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a severe X-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Existing developmental outcome measures have floor effects and cannot capture incremental changes in symptoms. We modified the caregiver portion of a CDD clinical severity assessment (CCSA) and assessed content and response-process validity. 


Decline in gross motor skills in adult Rett syndrome; results from a Danish longitudinal study

Longevity of individuals with neurodevelopmental diseases as Rett syndrome (RTT) has increased and many reach adulthood and old age. There is therefore a need to increase knowledge about the course of RTT in adults in order to improve medical care management and quality of life.