News & Events
WA Health funding supports development of rapid test for antibiotic-resistant skin infections in Aboriginal childrenA rapid test to detect antibiotic-resistant skin infections in Aboriginal children could be a step closer, thanks to support from the FHRIF.
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Funding boost to help turn research into practical changeResearch projects sharing in a $2.1 million funding boost will seek to translate research findings into changes that benefit patients and help the health system run more efficiently.
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New Aboriginal Cultural Guidance Advisor appointedThe Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases has appointed Mrs Valerie Swift to a newly created Aboriginal Cultural Guidance Advisor position.
News & Events
Major funding boost for innovative Yawardani Jan-ga programA trail-blazing Aboriginal-led program which uses equine-assisted learning to address the urgent needs of young Aboriginal people across the Kimberley has been given a major funding boost, thanks to a generous grant from Healthway.
Patterns trends and increasing disparities in mortality for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants born in Western Australia 1980-2001: population database studySince there are known disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations in Australia, trends in infant mortality rates can be used to assess the...
The Genetics and Health Team's priorities lie in understanding the biological mechanisms behind development of a range of rare and complex diseases, to help improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention both in Australian populations and internationally.
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New project to make FASD history in the PilbaraA new project aimed at reducing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Pilbara has been launched today in South Hedland.
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The Kids researcher named WA Youth Awards finalist25 year old Noongar woman Tiana Culbong, a The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher, has been named as a finalist in the WA Youth Awards.
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Aboriginal Ear Health Stakeholder Meeting (By invitation only)Acknowledging the enormous efforts in ear health programs across WA, we invite stakeholders to assist us in establishing research priorities.
News & Events
Every Friday: Child Health Research Seminars 2014Associate Professor Roz Walker has been involved in research, evaluation and education with Aboriginal communities building local capacity for 30 years.