Circulating Epithelial Cell Cytokines Are Associated With Early-Onset Atopic DermatitisDebbie Susan Palmer Prescott BSc BND PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP Head, Early Life & Life-Course Health Program; Team Lead, Nutrition in Early Life
Ovalbumin in breast milk is associated with a decreased risk of IgE-mediated egg allergy in childrenShowed for the first time that the presence of an egg-derived allergen in breast milk is associated with a reduced risk of egg allergy in children at 2.5 years of age
Maternal Fiber Dietary Intakes during Pregnancy and Infant Allergic DiseaseMaternal resistant starch consumption was differentially associated with infant phenotypes, with reduced risk of infant wheeze, but increased risk of eczema
Taking a prebiotic approach to early immunomodulation for allergy preventionIn this review we examine maternal and infant dietary sources of prebiotics with a particular focus on non-digestible oligosaccharides, which undergo SCFA.
Early introduction of food reduces food allergy – Pro and ConWhen an infant is developmentally ready, a variety of nutritious foods should be introduced including the ‘more allergenic’ foods during infancy
Egg-sensitised infants have elevated CD4+ effector memory T regulatory cells from birthIgE-mediated sensitisation to egg is common in infants. In some cases, the processes leading to egg sensitisation are established in early life, even before introduction to solid foods. The underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood.
Early life nutrition and the opportunity to influence long-term health: an Australasian perspectiveThere is significant data to support the hypothesis that early life nutrition in the fetus, infant and young child can have profound effects on long-term health
Maternal dietary intake in pregnancy and lactation and allergic disease outcomes in offspringAs the prevalence of allergic disease dramatically rises worldwide, prevention strategies are increasingly being considered.
Fish oil supplementation in early infancy modulates developing infant immune responsesMaternal fish oil supplementation during pregnancy has been associated with altered infant immune responses and a reduced risk of infant sensitization and...
Comparison of neonatal T regulatory cell function in Papua New Guinean and Australian newbornsWe compared neonatal T reg from children born in western conditions (Australia) with those of neonates born in high microbial conditions (Papua New Guinea)...