Participation predictors for leisure-time physical activity intervention in children with cerebral palsyTo determine the predictors of magnitude of change in response to a participation-focused leisure-time physical activity intervention in children with cerebral palsy (CP) using the ParticiPAte CP protocol.
Severe Congenital Heart Defects and Cerebral PalsyTo report the prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) in children with severe congenital heart defects (sCHD) and the outcome/severity of the CP.
News & Events
Children and young people with CP needed for respiratory studyWest Australian study will look at the breathing and airway problems of children and with cerebral palsy (CP) to prevent serious respiratory problems
Epidemiology of the cerebral palsiesHalf of the most severe cases of cerebral palsy (CP) survive to adulthood, but because this longevity is relatively recent, there is no empirical experience of
To Feel Belonged: The Voices of Children and Youth with Disabilities on the Meaning of WellbeingThe aim of this paper was to describe the meaning of wellbeing for children and youth with disabilities from their perspective.
Population case-control study of cerebral palsy: Neonatal predictors for low-risk term singletonsFor singletons with cerebral palsy (CP) who were born at term, the goals were (1) to determine the proportion not admitted to a Special Care Unit...
Adverse events following botulinum toxin type A treatment in children with cerebral palsyAdverse events following botulinum toxin type A treatment in children with cerebral palsy
Predicting respiratory hospital admissions in young people with cerebral palsyMost risk factors for respiratory hospital admissions in young people with cerebral palsy are potentially modifiable
Survival and mortality in cerebral palsy: Observations to the sixth decade from a data linkage study of a total population register and National Death IndexSince 1990 mortality for those with severe cerebral palsy in Western Australia has tended to shift from childhood to early adulthood
Temporal trends in cerebral palsy by impairment severity and birth gestationRates of cerebral palsy in Victoria decreased between the mid-1990s and 2009 for neonatal survivors of all birth gestations