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Methods used to evaluate the immediate effects of airway clearance techniques in adults with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

This review reports on methods used to evaluate airway clearance techniques (ACT) in adults with CF and examined data for evidence of any effect. Sixty-eight studies described ACT in adequate detail and were included in this review.


Many Healthy Lungs

In partnership with Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service and the Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service, we aim to improve Aboriginal lung health by determining for the first time the baseline lung function of Aboriginal Australians.


Personalised, machine learning based prediction of asthma in children

Rachel Graham Foong Hall BSc (hons), PhD, MBiostat BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS Honorary Research Associate Honorary Research Associate 08


The next generation of impact in cystic fibrosis

Lung damage in children with CF occurs much earlier than previously thought, and proving this is related to the decline that occurs later will create new paradigms for prevention and treatment.


Expression of bronchodilator response using forced oscillation technique measurements: absolute versus relative

Expression of bronchodilator response using forced oscillation technique measurements: absolute versus relative


Respiratory Health Program

Listed are The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Respiratory Health Program. This program sits under the Chronic and Severe Diseases research theme.

News & Events

National Asthma Week: 10 things you need to know about asthma

Asthma affects about half a million Australian children and is one of the most common reasons why kids need to see a doctor or go to emergency.

News & Events

Study shows e-cigarettes can harm lungs

A study led by researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia has shown that electronic cigarettes can cause lung damage.