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Characterization of invasive Group B Streptococcus isolates from Western Australian infants, 2004-2020

Invasive Group B Streptococcus remains a leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis has been implemented in many countries with a reduction in early-onset disease, but an effective vaccine may further reduce the disease burden. Candidate vaccines targeting capsular polysaccharides and surface proteins are now in clinical trials. 


Associate Professor Lea-Ann Kirkham

Co-Head, Bacterial Respiratory Infectious Disease Group; Microbiology Lead, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines & Infectious Diseases


Clinical predictors of hypoxic pneumonia in children from the Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: secondary analysis of two prospective observational studies

Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in young children globally and is prevalent in the Papua New Guinea highlands. We investigated clinical predictors of hypoxic pneumonia to inform local treatment guidelines in this resource-limited setting.


Evaluating the use and effectiveness of passive immunization in reducing RSV-associated morbidity in high risk infants

Hannah Tom Moore Snelling OAM BSc (Hons) GradDipClinEpi PhD BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Program Head, Infection and Vaccines Head, Infectious


Optimising influenza vaccine uptake in children with medical comorbidities

Christopher Hannah Blyth Moore MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD OAM BSc (Hons) GradDipClinEpi PhD Centre Head, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and


The PneuCaPTIVE study

Christopher Deborah Blyth Lehmann MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD AO, MBBS, MSc Centre Head, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases;


Infection is the major component of the disease burden in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australian children: a population-based study

Infection accounts for the majority of pediatric mortality and morbidity in developing countries, but there are limited data on the infectious diseases...


Whole‐cell pertussis vaccine in early infancy for the prevention of allergy in children

Atopic diseases are the most common chronic conditions of childhood. The apparent rise in food anaphylaxis in young children over the past three decades is of particular concern, owing to the lack of proven prevention strategies other than the timely introduction of peanut and egg.


Progress towards a coordinated, national paediatric antimicrobial resistance surveillance programme

These data support that children are not just 'little adults' in the AMR era, and analyses by age group are important to detect differences in antibiotic susceptibility


Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines in an Australian population: A case-control study

RV1 and RV5 were both effective in preventing laboratory confirmed and notified rotavirus infections among children aged <5 years