Prevention of Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes with Predictive Low Glucose Management SystemThe aim of this study was to determine whether predictive low glucose management (PLGM) system is effective in preventing insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Effect of combining pre-exercise carbohydrate intake and repeated short sprints on the blood glucose response to exercise in young individuals with Type 1 diabetesWhen carbohydrates are ingested prior to moderate-intensity exercise, adding repeated sprints is not significantly detrimental to glycaemic management
Universal Subsidized Continuous Glucose Monitoring Funding for Young People With Type 1 Diabetes: Uptake and Outcomes Over 2 Years, a Population-Based StudyContinuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is increasingly used in type 1 diabetes management; however, funding models vary. This study determined the uptake rate and glycemic outcomes following a change in national health policy to introduce universal subsidized CGM funding for people with type 1 diabetes aged <21 years.
Psychological flexibility is associated with less diabetes distress and lower glycated haemoglobin in adults with type 1 diabetesDiabetes distress, self-efficacy and health literacy are associated with diabetes self-management and health outcomes. Measures of coping styles and their impact on diabetes self-management and diabetes-related distress may add value in identifying those at risk of poorer health outcomes. Current evidence of associations between psychological flexibility/inflexibility and diabetes related health outcomes is limited.
Impact of Hybrid Closed Loop Therapy on Hypoglycemia Awareness in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Hypoglycemia AwarenessThis study evaluated the efficacy of using a hybrid closed loop system in restoring hypoglycemia awareness in individuals with impaired awareness of hypoglycemia. Participants with IAH (Gold score ≥4) were recruited into a randomized crossover pilot study.
A novel mobile health app to educate and empower young people with type 1 diabetes to exercise safely: Prospective single-arm mixed methods pilot studyEmpowering young people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to manage their blood glucose levels during exercise is a complex challenge faced by health care professionals due to the unpredictable nature of exercise and its effect on blood glucose levels. Mobile health (mHealth) apps would be useful as a decision-support aid to effectively contextualize a blood glucose result and take appropriate action to optimize glucose levels during and after exercise.
3DFAACTS-SNP: using regulatory T cell-specific epigenomics data to uncover candidate mechanisms of type 1 diabetes (T1D) riskGenome-wide association studies (GWAS) have enabled the discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are significantly associated with many autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, many of the identified variants lie in non-coding regions, limiting the identification of mechanisms that contribute to autoimmune disease progression.
Evaluation of protocol amendments to the Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity (ENDIA) study during the COVID-19 pandemicLiz Davis MBBS FRACP PhD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research
Standardised mortality is increased three-fold in a population-based sample of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetesFatalities in children and adolescents (1-17 yr) with T1DM were identified from the Western Australia Children's Diabetes Database between 1987-2011.
Real-world outcomes of insulin pump compared to injection therapy in a population-based sample of children with type 1 diabetesPatients using insulin pump therapy had a better long-term glycemic control relative to the matched injection therapy cohort