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The Mast Cell Study

Comparing how mast cells are “programmed” in allergic and non-allergic children at one year of age.

The Long COVID Study

Investigating the physical impact of Long COVID on ORIGINS families

The PrEggNut Study

Does the amount of eggs and peanuts a mother eats during pregnancy and breastfeeding have an influence on whether her baby will develop an egg or peanut food allergy?

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental health and wellness is critical to the overall wellbeing of a person, and can also impact on physical health. Researchers are exploring the mental wellbeing of mothers and their experience of motherhood and pregnancy, and effective support options available. Mental health development of the child is also explored, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our ORIGINS families.


Antibiotic dysbiosis and probiotics trial on infants

Happy Parenting Program

The Happy Parenting Program is investigating new ways to provide support to parents with young children from an early age.

Two-Month Sample Collection

Get in Touch Dropping off a sample or attending a Kids Check appointment? Visit us at our Edgewater clinic. The Kids Joondalup Shop 51, Joondalup

Five-Year Sample Collection

Get in Touch Dropping off a sample or attending a Kids Check appointment? Visit us at our Edgewater clinic. The Kids Joondalup Shop 51, Joondalup


A world of inflammation: the need for ecological solutions that co-benefit people, place and planet

The ecology of the early environment - including microbial diversity, nutrition, nature, social interactions and the totality of exposures in the wider "exposome" - have life-long implications for all aspects of health and resilience. In particular, the emergence of "microbiome science" provides new evidence for vital relationships between biodiversity and health at every level.