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Assessment and management of nutrition and growth in Rett syndrome

We developed recommendations to assess and manage issues relating to poor growth and weight gain in Rett syndrome, including consideration of gastrostomy.

Experience of gastrostomy using a quality care framework: The example of Rett syndrome

We investigated our data from family questionnaires to see how feeding difficulties related to age, the type of MECP2 mutation, and the use of gastrostomy.

Level of purposeful hand function as a marker of clinical severity in Rett syndrome

We developed a measure of hand function, and then investigated relationships between hand function, type of MECP2 mutation, age and severity of symptoms.

Parental experiences of scoliosis management

We investigated what parents thought about the ways to manage scoliosis and what they thought they needed to help them better manage their daughter's scoliosis.


Decline in gross motor skills in adult Rett syndrome; results from a Danish longitudinal study

Longevity of individuals with neurodevelopmental diseases as Rett syndrome (RTT) has increased and many reach adulthood and old age. There is therefore a need to increase knowledge about the course of RTT in adults in order to improve medical care management and quality of life.


Parental perspectives on the communication abilities of their daughters with Rett syndrome

How females with Rett syndrome communicate in everyday life and the barriers and facilitators to successful communication


Patterns of sedentary time and ambulatory physical activity in a Danish population of girls and women with Rett syndrome

We aimed to: (1) describe the patterns of sedentary time and daily steps and (2) identify the association of individual and environmental characteristitics.


A validation study of a modified Bouchard activity record that extends the concept of 'uptime' to Rett syndrome

The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of using a Bouchard activity record (BAR) in individuals with Rett syndrome to measure physical...