Exposure to household painting and floor treatments, and parental occupational paint exposure and risk of childhood brain tumorsThis study investigated whether household exposure to paints and floor treatments and parental occupational painting were associated with CBT risk...
Exposure to pesticides and the risk of childhood brain tumorsThis Australian case-control study of CBT investigated whether exposures to pesticides before pregnancy, during pregnancy and during childhood, were...

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The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers share in State Government science grantsFour The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are among those who have received funding in the WA State Government's Merit Award Program announced today.

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New drug hope for babies with leukaemiaResearchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia have discovered a new drug combination that could help improve survival rates for babies with leukaemia.

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A cell change that drives leukaemiaIt is now known that the HOX11 gene is permanently activated in the leukaemia cells and it drives the disease.
Prenatal origins and health outcomes of male reproductive congenital anomalies diagnosed at birth and testicular cancer in adulthoodThis study involves record linkage of birth, birth defects, hospital, deaths and cancer data; with links to genealogy data to identify links between families.

Australian Study of Causes of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in ChildrenAnalysing data collected between 2003 and 2007 in this national case-control study of the risk factors for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).

Timo LassmannFeilman Fellow; Program Head, Precision Health and Team Lead, Computational Biology

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New study uncovers dual benefit of bone-protecting treatment for childhood leukaemiaA groundbreaking study from cancer researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia has identified a promising new therapeutic strategy for children battling the most common childhood cancer – B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
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WA families to help find triggers for childhood leukaemiaWest Australian families are being asked to play a vital role in a major new national study to unravel the causes of childhood leukaemia.