Australian Clinicians’ Considerations When Choosing an Assessment of Functioning Tool for Children with Neurodevelopmental ConditionsIn the Australian disability context, the assessment of children with neurodevelopmental conditions’ functioning (across all domains) is of increasing importance, particularly since the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Currently, there is wide variability across assessment of functioning practices, including the choice and use of published tools for assessment.
Enabling successful life engagement in young people with ADHD: new components beyond adult models of recoveryTo examine the lived experiences of young people successfully managing life with ADHD and investigate the applicability of adult models of Recovery to these individuals.
Implementation of an Early Communication Intervention for Young Children with Cerebral Palsy Using Single-Subject Research DesignThe implementation of an intervention protocol aimed at increasing vocal complexity in three pre-linguistic children with cerebral palsy (two males, starting age 15 months, and one female, starting age 16 months) was evaluated utilising a repeated ABA case series design. The study progressed until the children were 36 months of age. Weekly probes with trained and untrained items were administered across each of three intervention blocks.
Development of an International Database for a Rare Genetic Disorder: The MECP2 Duplication Database (MDBase)The natural history of MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS), a rare X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder with an estimated birth prevalence of 1/150,000 live births, is poorly understood due to a lack of clinical data collected for research. Such information is critical to the understanding of disease progression, therapeutic endpoints and outcome measures for clinical trials, as well as the development of therapies and orphan products.
A Co-Designed Online Education Resource on Gastrostomy Feeding for Parents and Caregivers to Support Clinical CareChildren with complex needs and severe disability may undergo gastrostomy insertion to support feeding difficulties. Parent education programs are critical components of clinical care pathways but there is little information on parent-reported educational needs. This study describes the collaborative process that yielded a resource to assist parents considering gastrostomy tube placement for their children, and the evaluation of the resource.

News & Events
Five researchers from The Kids awarded Early Career Child Health Researcher FellowshipsFive researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have been awarded three-year fellowships with the aim of keeping more WA-based PhD graduates involved in child health research.

News & Events
Participation key to quality of life for kids with disabilityThe Kids Research Institute Australia researchers have called for a greater focus on creating opportunities for children with disability to participate in the community, after finding a clear link between participation and better quality of life.
Functional outcomes in children and adolescents with neurodisability accessing music therapy: A scoping reviewTo determine the evidence for functional outcomes experienced by a population with paediatric neurodisability (such as acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, and other neurological disorders), who access music therapy through neurorehabilitation services across the rehabilitation spectrum.
Key elements of Goal-Directed Training for children with cerebral palsy: A qualitative content analysisGoal-directed training is an evidence-based occupational therapy intervention for children with cerebral palsy targeting motor performance and goal attainment. There is variability and limited description on goal-directed training delivery within the studies who found it a successful intervention. The aim of this study was to establish the who, what, why and how of goal directed training according to practicing occupational therapists.
Childhood leukaemia in Down's syndrome primed by blood-cell biasAn in-depth investigation of gene regulation and cell populations at sites of fetal blood-cell production provides clues as to why children with Down’s syndrome are predisposed to developing leukaemia.