Visualisation of Multiple Tight Junctional Complexes in Human Airway Epithelial CellsApically located tight junctions in airway epithelium perform a fundamental role in controlling macromolecule migration through paracellular spaces.
Influence of gestational age on dead space and alveolar ventilation in preterm infants ventilated with volume guaranteeVentilated preterm infant lungs are vulnerable to overdistension and underinflation.
Route of exposure alters inflammation and lung function responses to diesel exhaustIn this study, we compared the physiological consequences of short-term exposure to diesel exhaust via inhalation to those due to exposure to the same diesel...
Physiological and inflammatory responses in an anthropomorphically relevant model of acute diesel exhaust particle exposure are sex and dose-dependentDiesel exhaust particles (DEP) are an important contributor to suspended particulate matter (PM) in urban areas. While epidemiological evidence exists for a...
Self-citation in American Physiological Society JournalsThis study investigates the incidence of self-citation (authors citing their own work) for scholarly articles in ten journals published by the American...
Exposure to biodiesel exhaust is less harmful than exposure to mineral diesel exhaust on blood-brain barrier integrity in a murine modelEmerging data suggest that air pollution is a persistent source of neuroinflammation, reactive oxygen species, and neuropathology that contributes to central nervous system disorders. Previous research using animal models has shown that exposure to diesel exhaust causes considerable disruption of the blood-brain barrier, leading to marked neuroinflammation.
Soy Biodiesel Exhaust is More Toxic than Mineral Diesel Exhaust in Primary Human Airway Epithelial CellsExposure to biodiesel exhaust resulted in significantly greater cell death and a greater release of immune mediators compared to both air controls and ULSD exhaust
Factors influencing the assessment of lung function in mice with influenza-induced lung diseaseThe constant-phase model (CPM) is commonly fit to respiratory system input impedance (Z rs) to estimate lung mechanics.
Defective aeroallergen surveillance by airway mucosal dendritic cells as a determinant of riskA hallmark of atopic asthma is development of chronic airways hyper-responsiveness (AHR) that persists in the face of ongoing exposure to perennial...
Early life arsenic exposure and acute and long-term responses to influenza A infection in miceExposure to arsenic in early life has been shown to increase the rate of respiratory infections during infancy, reduce childhood lung function, and increase...