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Decline in gross motor skills in adult Rett syndrome; results from a Danish longitudinal study

Longevity of individuals with neurodevelopmental diseases as Rett syndrome (RTT) has increased and many reach adulthood and old age. There is therefore a need to increase knowledge about the course of RTT in adults in order to improve medical care management and quality of life.

Bisgaard AM, Wong K, Højfeldt AK, Larsen JL, Schönewolf-Greulich B, Rønde G, et al. Decline in gross motor skills in adult Rett syndrome; results from a Danish longitudinal study. Am J Med Genet Part A. 2021.

Adult; aging; longitudinal study; motor skills; Rett syndrome

Longevity of individuals with neurodevelopmental diseases as Rett syndrome (RTT) has increased and many reach adulthood and old age. There is therefore a need to increase knowledge about the course of RTT in adults in order to improve medical care management and quality of life.