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DETECT Schools Program Underway

The DETECT Schools program is underway, with swabs taken at 13 of the participating schools across Western Australia. No asymptomatic COVID-19 has been detected to date.

The DETECT Schools program is well underway, with 1502 swabs already taken at 13 of the participating schools across metro and regional Western Australia. No asymptomatic COVID-19 has been detected to date.

Over the next three months, nurses from the Child and Adolescent Health Service and WA Country Health Service will visit a total of 40 schools and conduct over 18,000 tests in total.

The program is voluntary and requires consent from, or on behalf of, every participant, and involves a swab being taken from the nose and throat with minimal discomfort.

Results will processed by PathWest and the process will be repeated twice more before September 2020.

If a participant tests positive, the response will involve standard contact tracing and quarantine of close contacts, but additionally close contacts will undergo tests for COVID-19 over two weeks, irrespective of whether they show symptoms, and be asked to maintain a symptom diary.

The McGowan Government has partnered with us at The Kids Research Institute Australia to conduct the research project, which also involves a well-being survey of 80 schools, including the 40 participating in the swab testing and a further 40 from across the State.

The survey is anticipated to increase the understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and families in Western Australia and assist in formulating informed responses to community needs.

The DETECT Schools Program follows the end of the DETECT Snapshot Program, which tested asymptomatic adults from a selection of employment groups. Test results are continuing to be compiled but, to date, none have tested positive which further supports the view that WA has no community transmission of COVID-19.

Participating schools

Albany Residential College

Albany Senior High School

Anne Hamersley Primary School

Applecross Senior High School

Arbor Grove Primary

Ardross Primary School

Ashburton Drive Primary School

Atwell College

Balcatta Senior High School

Bateman Primary School

Baynton West Primary School

Beachlands Primary School

Belmont City College

Booragoon Primary School

Bridgetown Primary School

Broome Senior High School

Bungaree Primary School

Burbridge School

Butler College

Cape Naturaliste College

Carnarvon Community College

Castlereagh School

Challis Community Primary School

Churchlands Senior High School

City Beach Residential College

Clarkson Community High School

Collie Senior High School

Comet Bay College

Connolly Primary School

Cowaramup Primary School

Currambine Primary School

Dalyellup Primary School

Darling Range Sports College

Derby District High School

Dianella Secondary College

Durham Road School

Dwellingup Primary School

East Fremantle Primary School

East Manjimup Primary School

East Wanneroo Primary School

Ellenbrook Secondary College

Forrestfield Primary School

Geraldton Residential College

Gosnells Primary School

Governor Stirling Senior High School

Hampton Park Primary School

John Tonkin College

Joondalup Primary School

Joseph Banks Secondary College

Kalgoorlie Primary School

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School

Leda Primary School

Lesmurdie Senior High School

Lynwood Senior High School

Malibu School

Merredin College

Middle Swan Primary School

Morley Senior High School

Mount Lawley Primary School

Narrogin Residential College

Newman Senior High School

Pinjarra Primary School

Poynter Primary School

Rockingham Senior High School

Roebuck Primary School

Roseworth Primary School

Safety Bay Senior High School

Shenton College

Tom Price Senior High School

Wanneroo Secondary College

Warnbro Primary School

Warwick Senior High School

West Morley Primary School

West Northam Primary School

Western Australian College Of Agriculture - Harvey

Western Australian College Of Agriculture - Narrogin

Willandra Primary School

Willetton Senior High School

Yakamia Primary School