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NHMRC funding boost to child health research

The Kids researchers will use nearly $8.5 million awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to tackle health issues including respiratory disease, brain cancer, vaccination and Aboriginal health.

The Kids researchers will use nearly $8.5 million awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to tackle health issues including respiratory disease, brain cancer, vaccination and Aboriginal health.

The Kids Research Institute Australia Director, Professor Jonathan Carapetis, congratulated those who secured the highly competitive project grants and scholarships.   

“This is an excellent result for our researchers and will enable them to continue the incredible work they do to improve the health and well-being of children,” Professor Carapetis said.

“This national funding will support a range of vital areas of child health research including wet cough in Aboriginal children, respiratory disease in children with neuromuscular disease, reducing the impact of brain cancer treatments on vulnerable young patients, and testing more effective vaccines.”

Successful NHMRC Project Grants are as follows: 

With Curtin University:

Project grants

  • Tom Snelling, Julie Marsh, Peter Richmond - $3,971,421 - Randomised controlled trial of mixed whole-cell/acellular pertussis vaccination versus acellular-only vaccination of infants
  • Graham Hall, Andrew Wilson, Jenny Downs - $1,600,448.40 - Developing sensitive endpoints for respiratory disease progression in children and young people with neuromuscular disease

With The University of Western Australia:

Project grants


  • Pam D’Sylva - $56,237 - Improving recognition and management of chronic wet cough in young Aboriginal children by caregivers and health care workers in the Kimberley


  • Dr Andre Schultz - $181,066 - Ensuring optimal treatment for Aboriginal children with chronic wet cough

Congratulations also to The Kids researchers who received NHMRC funding through collaborations with other organisations around the country, including Professor Liz Davis, Professor Graham Hall, Dr Melissa O’Donnell and Dr Roslyn Giglia.

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