Apache Energy joins Telethon Institute in cancer research partnership
Apache Energy and the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research today signed a two-year partnership that will enhance the Institute's internationally renowned cancer research program.
The funding will support research to investigate a rare and very aggressive form of tumour called NUT midline carcinoma that affects both children and adults, and is almost invariably fatal. Very little is known about the pathology of NUT midline carcinomas, which affect areas such as the thorax and nose.
The partnership was formalised at a signing ceremony this morning with Deputy Premier Kim Hames, Apache Energy Managing Director, Thomas Maher, and Institute Director Professor Fiona Stanley.
The partnership is based on a model established by Apache Corporation in the USA with the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the Texas Medical Center in Houston.
"Apache is pleased to develop this partnership in Perth and build upon the Perth-Houston relationship of business and health excellence," Mr Maher said. "Apache was very pleased to coordinate a visit by WA Premier Colin Barnett to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center during his trip to the USA. M.D. Anderson is one of the world's leading cancer research, patient care and prevention centers."
"The Premier's visit to M.D. Anderson was an opportunity to highlight the established high-level linkages between a successful oil and gas sector and health outcomes that result from world-class cancer research," Mr Maher said.
To build on the visit, Apache has been exploring ways to support the Telethon institute for Child Health Research. The two-year Apache Energy Research Fellowship will receive $300,000 in funding from the company.
Professor Ursula Kees, the head of Institute's cancer research program, said the fellowship would add great value to the group.
The cancers studied by Professor Kees and her team include leukaemia, brain tumours and carcinoma in children and focus on why some children relapse or respond poorly to therapy. The team also investigates the underlying mechanisms in the development of paediatric brain tumours and ways to reduce their devastating impact.
"The particular carcinoma that we are investigating has an extremely low survival rate and is usually fatal within one year from diagnosis. International collaborations such as this are critical because of the rarity of this cancer."
In addition to pursuing research into the causes of specific cancers, the fellowship will further develop the Institute's linkages with the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Both the Telethon Institute and M.D. Anderson are members of the leading international cancer research collaboration, the Children's Oncology Group.
About Apache in Australia
Apache Energy is the second-largest operated volume producer of oil and gas in the Carnarvon Basin in the North West of Western Australia. Apache operate 16 oil and gas production facilities, providing in excess of 30 percent of the State's domestic natural gas supply.
Apache employs nearly 500 staff and contractors in Australia, and since commencing operations in Australia in 1992 has invested more than $5 billion in acquisitions, field development and exploration. Apache plans a range of new developments including the State's third domestic gas hub at Devil Creek south of Karratha, and participation in the Wheatstone LNG project.
Apache's business is to provide the world with the energy it needs to improve living standards.
An integral part of that business is building enduring relationships with the communities in which we operate through a lasting commitment to environmental stewardship, education, community improvement and rewarding careers.
Apache Energy is based at its new Australian headquarters at 100 St Georges Tce in Perth.
Apache Energy is a subsidiary of Houston-based Apache Corporation, a leading global independent oil and gas exploration and production company. Established in 1954, Houston-based Apache has operation in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom sector of the North Sea, Egypt, Australia and Argentina.
About the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
The Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Subiaco has more than 450 staff dedicated to improving child health and wellbeing. Established in 1990, it has forged an international reputation for excellence in research in fields including childhood cancers, asthma and allergies, mental health, birth defects, child development, infectious disease and Aboriginal child health. More information is available at www.childhealthresearch.com.au
Children's Leukaemia and Cancer Research at the Telethon Institute
The cancers studied by Professor Kees and her team include leukaemia, brain tumours and carcinoma in children and focus on why some children relapse or respond poorly to therapy. The team also investigates the underlying mechanisms in the development of paediatric brain tumours and ways to reduce their devastating impact. Broader research projects examine genetic, dietary and environmental risk factors in the development of childhood cancers. The Institute is a member of the international Children's Oncology Group and works in close collaboration with Princess Margaret Hospital for Children.