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Expression of Interest (EOI) for Youth Advisory Group

Are you a young person (14-25 years old) who is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and LGBTIQ?

Are you a young person (14-25 years old) who is Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and LGBTIQ? If so, the research team on the ‘Understanding and promoting the social and emotional wellbeing and mental health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ young people’ would love to hear from you!

There is very little information and guidance for services that work with young people on how best to support someone who is both Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and LGBTIQ. We are conducting a 3 year project (funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council), which aims to

  1. learn more about the social and emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ young people aged 14-25 and
  2. work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ young people to develop ways of supporting their wellbeing and mental health.

 What is the Youth Advisory Group?

Having voices of young people who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and LGBITQ is vital to making sure this research project accurately captures the lived experience of being young, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and LGBTIQ in Australia. We are seeking Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ young people to join the Youth Advisory Committee of the project. This is your opportunity to be actively involved in this important research.

Members of the Youth Advisory Group will be asked to:

  • Provide input and feedback on the way the project is branded (e.g. the logo, name, web design, etc)
  • Provide input and feedback on the research design (yarning circles and surveys) and on what we will ask participants about their experiences.
  • Help in recruiting research participants
  • Advise on ways of translating research findings to community members, organisations, health and social services, and other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ young people

Youth Advisory Group Details

We are looking for seven Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ young people aged 14 - 25 who are able to meet every 2-3 months over the next 3 years, for approximately 2 hours at a time. Meetings will be via videoconferencing. Two members of the research team will mentor the group and help build research capacity of group members. No previous experience on an advisory group is necessary.

Payment and location

Members of the group will be paid $30 per hour for their service. We are seeking group members from across Australia, from both metropolitan and regional/rural areas.

How do I apply?

Please send an EOI in the form of a written paragraph telling us who you are and why you are interested in being part of the Youth Advisory Group. EOI’s can be sent to Ashleigh Lin, who is one of the project investigators, at If you would prefer to give an EOI over the phone, please contact Ashleigh on 08 6319 1291. Please also feel free to contact Ashleigh with any questions about the Youth Advisory Group or about the project.

Closing date

EOI’s will be close at 11pm on 10th April (West Coast time). We will contact you shortly after the application closing date.